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wtf is this?

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  • wtf is this?

    Hi guys

    Installed the latest vray and weirdly im having some issues...... could be me or something but what are those dark black patches? I did a clay render (material overide) and its doing this?
    Any ideas gents?Click image for larger version

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ID:	883807Click image for larger version

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ID:	883808Click image for larger version

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ID:	883809

  • #2
    That's strange. I've also installed the latest Vray but I don't have such problems. Can't say much without posting render settings or light setup. So this exact same scene rendered fine before you installed the latest version? It looks like your Irradiance Map settings are way way low or something. Can you try setting your production rendered to Scanline and then back to Vray to clear all render settings of Vray? Then set your GI settings from scratch and see if it helps.
    Aleksandar Mitov

    3ds Max 2023.2.2 + Vray 7 Hotfix 1
    AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-core
    96GB DDR5
    GeForce RTX 3090 24GB + GPU Driver 566.14


    • #3
      Maybe, double geometry?

      Originally posted by short cirkuit View Post
      Hi guys

      Installed the latest vray and weirdly im having some issues...... could be me or something but what are those dark black patches? I did a clay render (material overide) and its doing this?
      Bobby Parker
      phone: 2188206812

      My current hardware setup:
      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
      • ​Windows 11 Pro


      • #4
        I removed the wall to the right - problem gone.... perhaps a GI issue? couple of screenshots below.
        I reset vray and still same thing. Havent tested on previous versions and yes, the IR settings are very low, but even on high its doing the same.

        Once again, spending time on something i have no time for!!! grrrr

        Click image for larger version

Name:	wtf4.jpg
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Size:	215.8 KB
ID:	860181 Click image for larger version

Name:	wtf5.JPG
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Size:	217.6 KB
ID:	860182

        @glorybound, good potential solution but no, no double geometry.
        Originally posted by Alex_M View Post
        That's strange. I've also installed the latest Vray but I don't have such problems. Can't say much without posting render settings or light setup. So this exact same scene rendered fine before you installed the latest version? It looks like your Irradiance Map settings are way way low or something. Can you try setting your production rendered to Scanline and then back to Vray to clear all render settings of Vray? Then set your GI settings from scratch and see if it helps.


        • #5
          You said you removed the wall and the problem is gone. That's because more GI samples are able to fall in that area without that wall blocking them. To me it looks like a problem with light setup. How did you set up your lighting? Can you post a top view screenshot in wireframe mode? Does it happen with other scenes or a simple one? If it doesn't, then problem is with this particular scene. If you are able to post the scene here, that would be a huge help in pinpointing your problem.
          Last edited by Alex_M; 19-03-2016, 02:17 PM.
          Aleksandar Mitov

          3ds Max 2023.2.2 + Vray 7 Hotfix 1
          AMD Ryzen 9 9950X 16-core
          96GB DDR5
          GeForce RTX 3090 24GB + GPU Driver 566.14


          • #6
            Remove your glass windows and render for a test. Might be that you don't have affect shadows on for the glass window material and are not getting sufficient light and GI into the house.

            Try resetting vray settings, you might have render final image turned off. looks like your rendering out only a LC or IR map, especially since you don't see any contact shadows.


            • #7
              Thanks so much for the response guys - will do some testing tomorrow when i get to it and report back. However after quickly reimporting the scene from scratch (sketchup) and doing a clay render with merged lighting/cameras from the problematic scene gives the results i expect without the black artifacts. So there is something weird going on. I will do more testing tomorrow.

