I get some sort of "false complete". Some buckets are not rendered, yet Max/Vray says "rendering image...: done". The progress bar is not filled all the way, and the rendering window doesn't go away. And the buckets don't have any brackets, and they don't render.
Max 2016, sp1 + Vray 33004. No plugins in this scene, and it does seem it gets stuck on the trees, which are proxies.
Any idea where to start looking for errors or mistakes on my own part?

I get some sort of "false complete". Some buckets are not rendered, yet Max/Vray says "rendering image...: done". The progress bar is not filled all the way, and the rendering window doesn't go away. And the buckets don't have any brackets, and they don't render.
Max 2016, sp1 + Vray 33004. No plugins in this scene, and it does seem it gets stuck on the trees, which are proxies.
Any idea where to start looking for errors or mistakes on my own part?