We're currently rendering a fairly complex scene, lots of plugins, lots of MultiScatter objects and I frequently have issues with my one DR node rendering other buckets as if missing MultiScatter, or textures or anything like that (Which is not the case).
Sometimes it's a user error sometimes it's just strange and difficult to debug due to lack of information. I checked transfer missing assets but some kind of log or something which explains why my slave node renders different buckets would be a cool addition for debugging complex scenes.
We're currently rendering a fairly complex scene, lots of plugins, lots of MultiScatter objects and I frequently have issues with my one DR node rendering other buckets as if missing MultiScatter, or textures or anything like that (Which is not the case).
Sometimes it's a user error sometimes it's just strange and difficult to debug due to lack of information. I checked transfer missing assets but some kind of log or something which explains why my slave node renders different buckets would be a cool addition for debugging complex scenes.