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Physical Camera mess up max 2016

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  • Physical Camera mess up max 2016

    Hello, I've gone trough a bunch a thread but still can't figure out what is the right process to get a decent result with vray and max 2016.

    Using vray 3.4 on a very basic scene:

    RT render / vrayexposure control set from vraycamera / one sun (multiplier set to 1), camera set to f/2.0 / shutter 1/100... = whatever the setup , the image won't get right, so vray exposure doesn't work with max physical cam.

    RT render / physical exposure control / one sun (multiplier set to 1), camera set to f/2.0 / shutter 1/100... = whatever the setup , the image came up but washout whatever the shutter/aperture number, the image control doesn't influence the vfb but the preview change!!!!

    So it seems that the RT doesn't support what is the most interesting thing in RT, to find the right lighting balance.
    I'm loosing a lot of time messing around while it was straight & fast before, so why chaos group break out something that was working?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	maxphysicalcam.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	486.4 KB
ID:	884811

  • #2
    Click image for larger version

Name:	maxphysicalcam_vrayAdv.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	426.1 KB
ID:	862442
    and when I switch to vray adv, same result, the vfb doesn't change while adjusting the image control... the preview as nothing to do with the VFB!
    So then I change the color mapping, but then none of the change in the color mapping change the rendering whatever the type (linear, exponential...)

    So we do have 2 image control, on in the environement, and one in the camera, and none of them are working properly anymore.
    Last edited by fraggle; 22-06-2016, 04:10 AM.


    • #3
      I also notice that vray RT don't return at all the same result that vray adv as seen on the screenshot thereafter.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	GPUvsCPU.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	221.0 KB
ID:	862443
      I didn't change anything, just change the engine type from CPU to GPU.


      • #4
        The V-Ray exposure control doesn't work with the 3ds Max physical camera, as you noticed correctly. You will have to use the Physical Exposure control. The V-Ray exposure control is only intended for perspective viewports, standard cameras and V-Ray's own camera.

        Other than that, you are right, the exposure and physical camera in 3ds Max is a mess. We've kind of given up on that. Instead, we are working to make the actual production V-Ray usable in interactive mode for the next service pack.

        Still, it will be useful if you can post your scene, however simple it is - maybe there's something that can be done about it.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          It's starnge, I get rid of the wash out by turning on linear workflow! I didn't use that worflow since a very long time as it was outdated. Autodesjk are good to Revival wrong habit.

