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Matte Workflow

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  • Matte Workflow

    Has the workflow changed in the latest versions of vray? I always seem to have problems with this stuff, this time its the alpha channel...

    here are some images to illustrate my problem:

    RGB: (looks like expected when rendering a teapot on a white groundplane which was set to a matte object using the vray properties)
    Alpha: (this one is messed up, groundplane is a solid grey color in the alpha channel and i cant use this anymore to comp my objects in ps)

    i must be missing something very basic here and i cant seem to find it. spent 4 hours on this without a solution and this is the workflow i was using last year - and it was working this way...

    Any help or pointers are much appreciated.

    I am using 3dsmax 2017 and VRay 3.40.02, i have the same issue in max 2016...

    EDIT: Damn it, seconds after posting this i found out the the GI Enviroment override in the Enviroment tab of vray causes this, ticking it off fixed the problem.
    Thread can be deleted by a mod. I am sorry for the inconvenience
    Last edited by Olli96; 22-06-2016, 09:28 AM.

  • #2
    Well, back at it after some testing. The GI Enviroment override didnt really fixed the problem. There has been some changes in the latest VRay Version regarding this and i would like to know how i get the same result in 3.40.02 as i would get in 3.20.03

    here is the comparision, its the same scene, nothing has been touched, i simply opend it and hit render:

    VRay 3.20.03

    As you can see here the matte surface is not visible in my rgb pass and also not visible in my alpha channel, this is how i expected it to be.

    VRay 3.04.02

    in the latest vray version the matte surface is visible in my rgb pass and whats even more worse its visible in my alpha channel - which makes it useless.

    How do i fix this?
    Last edited by Olli96; 23-06-2016, 04:26 AM.


    • #3

      no one else having a problem using a matte object in the latest vray version?


      • #4
        hi, i use Matte on daily basis, but i have a different aproach,
        i give mu objects a materilal wrapper mat, but i keep the curent mat as an base mat ( mat editor pops up that checker )
        here is an atachmentClick image for larger version

Name:	111.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	86.5 KB
ID:	862462
        this way works for me in 3.30.05
        hope i helped....


        • #5
          Did you update the render settings when you open the scene with the newer version:
          Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2016-06-24_12-58-50.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	51.1 KB
ID:	862464
          Some of the features in the newer version are updated and will be calculated slightly different than in the old version so small discrepancy is actually expected behavior.
          There is always a possibility for a bug so it would be nice if you could provide that scene for investigation.
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


          • #6
            Hello Svetlozar,

            it doesnt matter if i choose yes or no - it alwas renders like in the screenshots from above.

            Here is a stripped down file: (ignore the missing hdri, its not used)

            its a max2016 file using vray 3.2.03 - which renders fine and like expected.

            I tried the VRayMaterialWrapper workflow from tambyra but it renders exactly like if you used the vray properties.


            • #7
              Could you reproduce the problem?


              • #8
                Make sure to set the Environment Color to black and you will get the expected result. Or you can set GI Environment override with a black color.
                Zdravko Keremidchiev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us

