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Render to Texture issue in Max 2017

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  • Render to Texture issue in Max 2017

    Click image for larger version

Name:	render to texture problem.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	309.7 KB
ID:	885059

    I'm working on the very preliminary stages of a virtual set design but I've encountered a problem with Render to texture using Vray and Max 2017.

    When rendered, large black shapes are appearing in the areas where there should be lit materials. I can't be sure if this is a Max issue, or a Vray issue. I don't get this problem in Max 2016, and can use that, but would have preferred to work with 2017.

    Is this a known issue with either software? Any ideas how I might be able to solve this?

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by jim mann; 01-08-2016, 09:13 AM. Reason: Fogot to add a description
    Designs for TV...made with a lot of V-Ray.

  • #2
    This looks like a known issue that our developers resolved recently in our internal nightly builds.
    The fix should be available with the next official V-Ray service pack.
    Miroslav Ivanov
    Chaos Cosmos


    • #3
      Thanks Miroslav,

      Partially relieved to confirm that it's not my error. Hopefully it won't be too long to wait for the next SP, because this project is going to break new ground in TV if we can bring all the components together in the studio.

      Designs for TV...made with a lot of V-Ray.


      • #4
        The fix is now available in the latest stable nightly build. You can download it if you have access to them. If you don't, you can request access by sending an e-mail to: sales [at]
        Miroslav Ivanov
        Chaos Cosmos

