I can submit to my renders to backburner fine until I enable the VRay Framebuffer. When the VRay Framebuffer is enabled, the render output is squeezed into the top half of the frame. See below:

Anybody know what is going on?
Here is maxscript code that shows the issue:
-- Globals
managerName = "bladerunner"
serverName = "pulpfiction"
outputPath = @"\\pulpfiction\c$\users\david\desktop\"
baseName = timestamp() as string
-- From documumentation...
-- NOTE: Changing the render scene dialog settings via MAXScript
-- should be done with the actual render scene dialog in a closed state
vr = renderers.current
-- Render Setup > Common
-- Render Output > Save File
rendSaveFile = true
-- Render Output > Render Output File
rendOutputFilename = outputPath + baseName + ".jpg"
-- Render Setup > V-Ray
-- Frame buffer > Enable built-in framebuffer
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- ISSUE BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vr.output_on = false -- This works as expected
--vr.output_on = true -- <<<<<<<< ISSUE: Only renders in top half of output frame
m = netrender.getmanager()
-- Connect to Backburner manager
m.connect #manual managerName
if m.connected == false then
throw ("ERROR: Could not connect to Backburner manager" + managerName)
-- Get control of manager
if m.haveControl == false then
if m.queryControl #wait == true then
if m.haveControl == false then
throw ("ERROR: Could not gain control of Backburner queue.")
-- Get server
myServer = ""
for s in m.getservers() do (if s.name == serverName then myServer = s)
-- Save current scene
myMaxFilePath = outputPath + baseName + ".max"
saveSuccess = saveMaxFile myMaxFilePath quiet:true
if not saveSuccess then
throw ("ERROR: Could not save .max file: " + myMaxFilePath)
-- Submit job
job = m.newjob file:myMaxFilePath
submitSucceeded = job.submit servers:myServer
if not submitSucceeded then
throw ("ERROR: Could not submit job to server: " + myServer.name)
Anybody know what is going on?
Here is maxscript code that shows the issue:
-- Globals
managerName = "bladerunner"
serverName = "pulpfiction"
outputPath = @"\\pulpfiction\c$\users\david\desktop\"
baseName = timestamp() as string
-- From documumentation...
-- NOTE: Changing the render scene dialog settings via MAXScript
-- should be done with the actual render scene dialog in a closed state
vr = renderers.current
-- Render Setup > Common
-- Render Output > Save File
rendSaveFile = true
-- Render Output > Render Output File
rendOutputFilename = outputPath + baseName + ".jpg"
-- Render Setup > V-Ray
-- Frame buffer > Enable built-in framebuffer
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- ISSUE BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vr.output_on = false -- This works as expected
--vr.output_on = true -- <<<<<<<< ISSUE: Only renders in top half of output frame
m = netrender.getmanager()
-- Connect to Backburner manager
m.connect #manual managerName
if m.connected == false then
throw ("ERROR: Could not connect to Backburner manager" + managerName)
-- Get control of manager
if m.haveControl == false then
if m.queryControl #wait == true then
if m.haveControl == false then
throw ("ERROR: Could not gain control of Backburner queue.")
-- Get server
myServer = ""
for s in m.getservers() do (if s.name == serverName then myServer = s)
-- Save current scene
myMaxFilePath = outputPath + baseName + ".max"
saveSuccess = saveMaxFile myMaxFilePath quiet:true
if not saveSuccess then
throw ("ERROR: Could not save .max file: " + myMaxFilePath)
-- Submit job
job = m.newjob file:myMaxFilePath
submitSucceeded = job.submit servers:myServer
if not submitSucceeded then
throw ("ERROR: Could not submit job to server: " + myServer.name)