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Blend Material Transparent in Viewport

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  • Blend Material Transparent in Viewport

    I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm doing something wrong. I'm using a blend material (for the first time) and the material shows as "invisible" in the view port. It renders fine, it's just in the view port that it doesn't appear on the mesh. Is there something I should be doing to stop this? Not sure if it matters or not, but the base material is a car paint material.

    I'm using Max 2017, and the latest VRay.

  • #2
    Can you share material setup ? Screenshot or even better - a simplified scene ?
    If it was that easy, it would have already been done

    Peter Matanov


    • #3
      A simplified scene may be a bit crazy (you can see by the material screen grab) but if these screen grabs don't work, I'll try to save out just the mesh and material.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Material.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	509.4 KB
ID:	863760Click image for larger version

Name:	MeshSelected.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	520.0 KB
ID:	863761Click image for larger version

Name:	ViewPort.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	446.5 KB
ID:	863762


      • #4
        I have the same problem. Alfred from Autodesk suggest that this is a Vray problem. I am using a nightly build from a couple of weeks ago that solved another issue. I have terrible viewport problems with Titan X and vray materials
        Standard mode and high quality modes.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by ALEX_SPYROPOULOS; 09-11-2016, 02:45 AM.
        164 core mini rendering farm - RTX 3090
        All with 128GB ram
        Windows 11

        3ds Max 2024 - vray - phoenix - forest pack


        • #5
          "Realistic" representation of VRayBlendMtl is not supported in the viewport.

          Can you describe those "terrible" problems please ?
          If it was that easy, it would have already been done

          Peter Matanov


          • #6
            Objects disappear, When i try to fix it by changing settings then the viewport can crash from time to time.
            Have a look at these two videos to see an example. The second video is just a multi-sub object material with standard vray materials. one white and one with a bamboo texture.
            This is not a realistic setting i believe.

            164 core mini rendering farm - RTX 3090
            All with 128GB ram
            Windows 11

            3ds Max 2024 - vray - phoenix - forest pack


            • #7
              Here is the Autodesk thread just to link the two topics.

              164 core mini rendering farm - RTX 3090
              All with 128GB ram
              Windows 11

              3ds Max 2024 - vray - phoenix - forest pack


              • #8
                Hello, Alfred here.

                My tests have shown that this seems to only happen with VrayBlend Materials, though Alex had an issue with VrayMtl as well that I cannot repro. If there is a problem in Max or the SDK that is causing this please let me know and I'll log it into our bug tracker. I was unable to make this issue happen on any other material type, for what it's worth.

                Best Regards,
                Alfred DeFlaminis


                • #9

                  It seems that AMG shaders do not support passing of sub-material as an input parameter, so VRayBlend and VRayOverride materials could not support realistic viewport mode in 3ds Max 2016/2017.
                  I guess that VRayBlend and VRayOverride realistic mode must be disabled in the builds for 3ds Max 2016+.

                  Best Regards,
                  Vasil Minkov
                  V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                  • #10
                    By the way Vray materials were ok in max 2016. The problem is in 2017 only. I tried a titan and titan x and there is no difference at all.

                    The second video i sent (with the poles) is a multi-subobject material with two standard vray materials underneath. It is instanced 50 times and it is disappearing all the time.

                    Just to understand when i click standard at the top of the 3ds max 2017 viewport it uses realistic materials not shaded ones ?
                    164 core mini rendering farm - RTX 3090
                    All with 128GB ram
                    Windows 11

                    3ds Max 2024 - vray - phoenix - forest pack


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ALEX_SPYROPOULOS View Post
                      Just to understand when i click standard at the top of the 3ds max 2017 viewport it uses realistic materials not shaded ones ?
                      No, "Standard" viewport mode is not related to realistic/shaded material mode. When using "Standard" viewport mode you could still select Shaded materials or Realistic materials, and it will change the way materials are displayed.
                      Note that not every material supports realistic mode - a lot of materials are always Shaded.
                      V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ALEX_SPYROPOULOS View Post
                        The second video i sent (with the poles) is a multi-subobject material with two standard vray materials underneath. It is instanced 50 times and it is disappearing all the time.
                        It might be worth trying to turn off adaptive degradation, that does seem to cause some people problems on occasion. There are no bugs logged with it currently, but there is a nitrous bug or two that seem to be occasionally affected by disabling it. Are there any modifiers on those sticks?

                        The larem ipsum text is strange though.


                        • #13
                          I managed to click shaded materials and I can see the object now , there is not even a tick there to know what type of material is being displayed. The one with the poles was a collapsed editable poly from a boolean subtraction with two subobjects and a simple uv map. It was instanced many times, mayby 50. I have quite a few crashes in max 2017 related with instances and copying polygons in general, both in object and subobject level. I hope these are a graphics glitch.
                          The adaptive degradation is off and to be honest the card is at 130 fps on the scene...
                          164 core mini rendering farm - RTX 3090
                          All with 128GB ram
                          Windows 11

                          3ds Max 2024 - vray - phoenix - forest pack


                          • #14
                            The crashing people are getting while modeling, snapping, or cloning were not driver issues, its related to an internal 3ds Max issue and nothing related to hardware. The other crashes are either driver related and/or nitrous related. I can't say when updates release or what is in future patches but it's not long. There's some really great things in the next update, I'm curious to see how they are used and a lot of annoying bugs are also addressed. Anyway, I'm not trying to threadjack.


                            • #15
                              There shouldn't be any problems in the next SP with those materials.
                              If it was that easy, it would have already been done

                              Peter Matanov

