First of all... IPR... wow. Absolutely amazing, thank you! Of course there's active shade RT, this feels very smooth and with all the features.
Also thank you for this little nugget here! Yes!
(*) V-Ray: Remove limitation on parameters count for OSL and GLSL shaders;
One thing I noticed while testing is that the OSL nodes will not show their input connections in the node view of the slate editor after loading in the shader while in IPR mode.
- This happens only while the IPR render is actually running, it updates fine after is is done but before the stop button has been pressed.
- This can be tested on an empty scene with any OSL node. GLSL nodes seem to be fine.
- The connections are there in the property window.
- max 2014, 3.50.02 beta.
On a related note, GLSL nodes also do not update/show their inputs in the node view when using the quick compiler. It works when loading in a frag file. The node connections will show up when you plug a map in in the property window.
Also thank you for this little nugget here! Yes!
(*) V-Ray: Remove limitation on parameters count for OSL and GLSL shaders;
One thing I noticed while testing is that the OSL nodes will not show their input connections in the node view of the slate editor after loading in the shader while in IPR mode.
- This happens only while the IPR render is actually running, it updates fine after is is done but before the stop button has been pressed.
- This can be tested on an empty scene with any OSL node. GLSL nodes seem to be fine.
- The connections are there in the property window.
- max 2014, 3.50.02 beta.
On a related note, GLSL nodes also do not update/show their inputs in the node view when using the quick compiler. It works when loading in a frag file. The node connections will show up when you plug a map in in the property window.