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3.05.02 SA Denoiser not including Bloom and Glare

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  • 3.05.02 SA Denoiser not including Bloom and Glare

    So I rendered to exr and set it to "Only generate render elements" using rt cuda, then ran my net_denoiser script through backburner, and the result was denoised, but without the bloom and glare added in.

    Went back to max, set it to "Show denoiser result channel" and did a test render and the bloom and glare is adding in on the "effectsResult" channel. Is the stand alone denoiser not updated yet to include B&G...or am I doing something wrong? TIA

  • #2
    I'm guessing the stand alone denoiser has yet to include the bloom and glare (b/g).

    Are there plans to put it in anytime soon? I have a current animation project that could benefit from the b/g, and I can put off rendering the final for a while if I knew if the stand alone was planned to add this in? Could you please let me know, if you know? TIA.

    Also, I tried a test render yesterday with the frame buffer denoiser to see if the single frame denoise with b/g would work without flicker, but it didn't work, I got a flicker.

    I must say that the stand alone denoiser run over the network using backburner is a really great tool for animations. I'm able to get away with a LC set at 500 subdivisions, and a noise set at 0.1...after running through the denoiser the image looks pretty slick with depth of field turned on. When I get the client to pass off on the animation, I'll ask if I can post the animation for demo purposes and provide a link here so you can see the results of rt cuda and net_denoise.


    • #3
      Originally posted by biochemical_animations View Post
      Went back to max, set it to "Show denoiser result channel" and did a test render and the bloom and glare is adding in on the "effectsResult" channel. Is the stand alone denoiser not updated yet to include B&G...or am I doing something wrong? TIA
      According to my tests, when the Lens Effect mode is set to Render Element only it doesn't affect neither VRayDenoiser nor effectsResult elements:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	3dsmax_2017-01-23_15-13-43.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	171.5 KB
ID:	866258Click image for larger version

Name:	2017-01-23_15-15-05.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	162.6 KB
ID:	866259Click image for larger version

Name:	2017-01-23_15-15-27.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	163.0 KB
ID:	866260
      Lens Effects contribution is only added to effectsResult element when its mode is set to Image only or Image and Render element:
      Click image for larger version

Name:	2017-01-23_15-17-25.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	163.9 KB
ID:	866261

      Same thing happens with V-Ray Standalone, it renders and exports Lens Effects in effectsResult element only if the mode include Image only or Image and Render element.

      Would it be possible to send us 3dsMax and .vrscene files which will help us to replicate the issue?

      Thank you very much in advance.
      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


      • #4
        Please disregard my previous post, I was thinking that with "Only generate render elements" you mean the Lens Effects modes but you are taking about the Denoiser modes.
        Managed to replicate the issue, will add it into the system and will keep you posted.
        Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
        Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


        • #5
          Thanks Svetlozar, sorry if my post was confusing. I'll try to be more specifically detailed in future posts.

          So just to double check, the Stand Alone Denoiser Tool (vdenoiser.exe) does not add in lens effects (bloom and glare) yet. Is this what you got, too?


          • #6
            Yes, it looks like the Standalone Denoiser doesn't have an option to output the Lens Effects for the moment.
            It's reported in the system and one of our developers is looking into it at the moment.
            Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
            Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


            • #7
              The Standalone denoiser is a denoiser only. It is not designed to apply any additional effects.

              Best regards,


              • #8
                So it's not going to be included?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by biochemical_animations View Post
                  So it's not going to be included?
                  It could be done in principle. Will have to think about it.

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    Ok. How else could animations include lens effects?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      It could be done in principle. Will have to think about it.

                      Best regards,
                      Yes please Vlado, I for one am looking for this feature right now.


                      • #12
                        I'm struggle with this limitation too! anybody knows a workaround ?


                        • #13
                          Same problem
                          Win10 x64, 3DS Max 2017 19.0, Vray 3.60.03
                          Threadripper 1950x, 64GB RAM, Aurous Gaming 7 x399,

