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Volumegrid and Stoke bug

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  • #16
    Yeah production works fine, thank you. You're right that the noise map is a bit buggy in RT but it works, I get the right size and everything. I don't see a different result every time but I have noticed that sometimes it does not update after you make some changes to the noise map but it's easily worked around by adjusting the noise value again -- then it works without re-initializing for me.

    Would be awesome if this could be properly supported by active shade, with the render settings turned down low I get great speeds. When developing volumetric looks, having RT support would be amazing. Would cut down the time look development by a large amount. Do you think this is something that will happen or should I not get my hopes up?


    • #17
      It should definitely happen, but it will take some time until we get there. I hope during the coming months.
      Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


      • #18
        Thanks for letting me know! I'll be the first to use it when it's implemented .

