There is a specific value for a default in the paramblock of max classes, to which properly written UIs should default to when a spinner is right-clicked.
That people did UIs backwards, leaving stuff out out of lazyness, and that you got used to it, does not make it right, nor any bit more efficient.
If 0 is the value you so crave, well, that's a single keypress, it could hardly be made any more efficient (enter a spinner, and then zero-tab your way through. why use a mouse, at all?).
And that's only for when 0 is actually the value one wants. RMC to zero does absolutely nothing for anyone which would expect slightly more intelligent a behaviour from UI components (say, LC subdivs, Noise Threshold, or a sphere radius, a light intensity, the examples are literally endless.).
Complex, multi-digit defaults are a lot harder to recover once lost, you'll agree, and it's our view that those specifically are what values should always be reset to if a user RMCs on a spinner: not shift, not control, as the feature Is there to aid precisely those which lost their way.
In fact, the behaviour is implemented across most of the relevant UIs, not just the render settings panel, specifically to have default, optimal values ready to be used at any time.
That people did UIs backwards, leaving stuff out out of lazyness, and that you got used to it, does not make it right, nor any bit more efficient.
If 0 is the value you so crave, well, that's a single keypress, it could hardly be made any more efficient (enter a spinner, and then zero-tab your way through. why use a mouse, at all?).
And that's only for when 0 is actually the value one wants. RMC to zero does absolutely nothing for anyone which would expect slightly more intelligent a behaviour from UI components (say, LC subdivs, Noise Threshold, or a sphere radius, a light intensity, the examples are literally endless.).
Complex, multi-digit defaults are a lot harder to recover once lost, you'll agree, and it's our view that those specifically are what values should always be reset to if a user RMCs on a spinner: not shift, not control, as the feature Is there to aid precisely those which lost their way.
In fact, the behaviour is implemented across most of the relevant UIs, not just the render settings panel, specifically to have default, optimal values ready to be used at any time.