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new v3.5 losing render license error -7

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  • new v3.5 losing render license error -7

    Updated to version 3.5 and I keep losing my license.Click image for larger version

Name:	VrayLicenseError_01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	269.5 KB
ID:	887071
    "Could not obtain a license (-7) unrecognized license server response (old license server version?)"

    I have a fixed workstation dongle
    I have re-installed this version numerous time ensuring deletion of the previous version
    I have checked settings on the license set-up

    It sometimes works but often says the above. We have more licenses than open workstations so its not being floated (but I have set it up with my dongle anyway.

    I have put a log into support but Chaos Group support has taken a dive of late (takes ages to respond and then it is just generic response and a link the the website)

    Anyone any ideas as I really need to get this render done asap...


  • #2
    If you open the license server web page, which version does it say the license server is?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick response Vlado -
      License server 4.2.0; it goes to a new page (that I've not seen before about online licensing) but seems to not see my dongle which is odd. It worked on the old version. I have just unplugged/replugged and restarted. Same error...


      • #4

        The issue may be coming from updated Wibu drivers which have known issues with license server versions below 4.3.1. Please try updating the license server with the latest version. If after the update the dongle subsystem is still not working (there should be a green light on 'Dongle' subsystem in the web page of the server) you may try running the dongle license server as a standalone application from the installation directory of the license server (usually C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\VRLService\OLS\bin). Note that you would need to stop the existing license service from windows Services (the service is called VRLService).

        Please write again if the issue persists and we will try to figure where exactly is the problem.

        Best regards,
        Deyan Hadzhiev


        • #5
          Originally posted by fingerindustries View Post
          I have put a log into support but Chaos Group support has taken a dive of late (takes ages to respond and then it is just generic response and a link the the website)
          We usually provide very quick responses on Licensing issues, would you please let me know the ticket number so I could check the communication and see why the case is not yet solved?
          Thank you very much in advance.
          Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
          Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


          • #6
            Thanks Deyan
            I cannot see how to update the license - I have the latest build v3.50.03 for Max 2016 - with no obvious link on the localhost page


            • #7
              Svetlozar - I have had no response at all as yet, so cannot give you a ticket number! Sorry...


              • #8
                The newest version may be downloaded from the download section of our website:
                Deyan Hadzhiev


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fingerindustries View Post
                  Svetlozar - I have had no response at all as yet, so cannot give you a ticket number! Sorry...
                  I'm sorry but from your initial post bellow I understood that you got very slow responses from our side and the provided information is useless. Maybe I have missed something so please correct me.

                  Originally posted by fingerindustries View Post
                  I have put a log into support but Chaos Group support has taken a dive of late (takes ages to respond and then it is just generic response and a link the the website)
                  Let me know how did you contact us. Our system usually sends automatic reply when email received, if such is not received it means that the email didn't make it to our system and we'll have to investigate why.
                  Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                  Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                  • #10
                    I sent an email to yesterday.

                    No I didn't get a response to this email (hence why I said slow) but I used it recently as did my colleagues and we all find it takes a few days for a response and when we do it is often a very generic response.
                    This forum is often a quick solution for the team here - Chaos Group has traditionally been such a strong company for support (for example I have had 3 strong and quick responses on this forum inc. Vlado) we all here just feel your email support needs to be as similar and responsive.

                    In our opinion Vray is by far the best product on the market for rendering and has always been backed up with stunning support - don't let that slip!


                    • #11
                      Could you please provide us with your e-mail address, which was used to send the e-mail yesterday at:
                      Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                      Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Hi - back to the original thread!
                          I have done the changes and my license is updated to 4.3.1 and all is green - within Max, on my Vray tab it says my license is on and is working, I can see Vray materials etc. But it won't render a sit still throws me the same license error.
                          Any ideas?


                          • #14
                            Hi again,

                            Could you send us the logs that were created by the license server (they should be stored in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\ChaosGroup\logs") and also the logs that are stored by the dongle license server (you can get them by opening http://localhost:30314/getlog on the machine that is running the license server). While we investigate the logs, you could also try to start the dongle license server manually as I mentioned before (disabling the service from windows services and starting the vrlservice.exe executable located in the license server installation directory (usually C:\Program Files\Chaos Group\VRLService\OLS\bin).

                            Best regards,
                            Deyan Hadzhiev


                            • #15
                              Yes, will do that now. I am finding by manually restarting the license it works temporarily

