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Stereoscopic render saving mono images

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  • Stereoscopic render saving mono images

    3.5.04 - (same issue on 3.5.03) VrayStereoscopic helper enabled with adjust resolution, physical camera, camera type in vray settings set to spherical with override fov set to 360. When I render, the frame buffer shows the view for both eyes, and the image resolution is doubled per the 'adjust resolution' setting on the helper. However, the images being saved are mono. Frame buffer displays both eyes, but the actual file being saved to disk only shows one eye.


    Same results regardless if I used vray frame buffer or not. This worked fine in the past, not sure what I'm missing other than I have upgraded to Win10. Max 2017. I just reset and tried a blank scene to make sure it wasn't file specific, getting same results even without the camera override, stereoscopic helper doubles the frame size, if i save manually then WYSIWYG, but if I have Max save the file then it only saves half of it.
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  • #2
    It is a known problem when saving .jpg images with adjust resolution. 3ds max refuses to save JPEG images with modified resolution.
    You could use different image format or you could turn off adjust resolution and manually set desired image size.

    Best Regards,
    Vasil Minkov
    V-Ray for 3ds Max developer


    • #3
      Ahh that's what it was, okay. Perhaps you should add that to the notes section of especially since the Guide to VR recommends using JPG for very large stereo renders.
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      • #4
        Originally posted by SnipeyX View Post
        the Guide to VR recommends using JPG for very large stereo renders.
        That's for final display on a mobile after post production - you should never render to jpg.
        They should make it clearer, i'm with you.


        • #5
          Yeah for sure, i generally know better and use EXR 98% of the time, this just happened to be one of those exceptions. Just wanted to do some quick tests to load in immediately and see if the settings were valid, so wasn't going to spend time on conversion. Once things were working unexpected I did my best to pour over the docs and ran lots of searches on the forum trying to find references for anything i was doing wrong, so to then get a response that it's a known issue that I was unable to find myself =
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