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IPR: connected hirachie objects are not following the animation (using motion blur)

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  • IPR: connected hirachie objects are not following the animation (using motion blur)

    Hey Guys,

    Following problem hooked me up this day:

    1.spline -> helper connected as Path Constrain (anim a bit along);
    2.create e.g. a Polyobjects, and a plane (road somewhat).
    3.Camera and Polyobj. are connected/linked under the helper as well, so should follow the movement.
    4. check motionblur on and render with IPR

    IPR will now keep the camera on it?s position, is not respecting the connection under the Help (not so in the viewport!) Road stands still and the Polyobj. is passing the camera
    While the normal render gives the result as desiered: road is moving and Polyobj. stays in sync with cam.

    it?s only me? latest Vray and Max 2016

    thanks for attention!

    Last edited by caypiranha; 07-08-2017, 08:28 AM.

  • #2
    It doesn't work indeed, it is not because of the connection, Camera Motion Blur doesn't work in general with IPR rendering.
    I added a note about that into our system, hopefully will be fixed soon.
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!


    • #3
      thank you very much for your response! ... keeping hopeful =)

