Thanks for those.
On the issue of multi-threading, there is a crash when using any source objects with deformation.
The first frame will render fine, but max will crash on the start of the 2nd frame, when calling renderBegin and frameBegin on the instances.
I've attached a short script which recreates the bug:
On the issue of multi-threading, there is a crash when using any source objects with deformation.
The first frame will render fine, but max will crash on the start of the 2nd frame, when calling renderBegin and frameBegin on the instances.
I've attached a short script which recreates the bug:
( delete objects t = teapot() addModifier t (noiseModifier animate:on strength:[1,1,1]) ( p = pf_source() ParticleFlow.BeginEdit() a1 = RenderParticles() p.AppendAction a1 ev = Event() ev_a1 = Birth Emit_Start:0 Emit_Stop:0 Amount:10 ev_a2 = Position_Icon() ev.appendAction ev_a1 ev.appendAction ev_a2 ParticleFlow.EndEdit() p.appendInitialActionList ev ) i = vrayInstancer source_nodes:#(t) particles:#(p) multithreaded:on --render a sequence with at least 2 frames )