I'm looking into ways of converting a scene to a pointcloud, and the naive approach would seem to be baking the whole scene, and sampling the UVW of each face to get the texture sample, however the baking part of this is laborious and error prone. Ideally what I'd like to do is raytrace through the scene bounding box, without termination on the first hit, recording each point with its position, normal, and colour. I'd either do that via an orthogonal grid, or per-face normalized via some metrics to get an appropriate correct point density.
My question is, would I do this via a custom camera, and secondly, how would I tell vray to record each successive hit along a ray rather than terminating at the first hit?
My question is, would I do this via a custom camera, and secondly, how would I tell vray to record each successive hit along a ray rather than terminating at the first hit?