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Vray Sanity check

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  • Vray Sanity check

    I think I´ve mentioned that before, but since I´m so bad at scripting, I would love if there was a prerender script for Vray, that would perform a prerender check, sort of like the deadline sanity check script, which I can´t use since we don´t use deadline...

    I´m still on Vray 3.6, so if any of these already made it into Vray Next, please let me know...

    Things that should be checked for, that are happening to me all the time, messing up my renders:

    1. Is region render checked? I get a message if its checked in the common tab, but there is no message for when the region is defined in the Vrayframebuffer and I keep forgetting unchecking the Region before submitting to the farm very regularily...
    2. I always get an annoying popup from Max, that tells me that I have no output selected, because I ALWAYS enable the frame buffer with "separate render channels" checked.
    What does happen sometimes though is, that the output gets deleted. Mostly when I saved something on a different workstation (probably has something to do with fiels being stored on a mapped network drive).
    This also regularily leads to me checking the render in the farm and thinking everything is fine and then figuring out much later, that no files have been stored.
    3. Much more rarely these days, since I mostly use BF+LC for GI: When I do use IR map precalculations and check "don´t render final image" it also happens from time to time that I forget to uncheck it before submitting to the farm.
    Another mistake that could be avoided with a prerender check...
    4. Checking if render elements are there and enabled. Also something that happens pretty often, for various reasons, that either the render elements are there and disabled, or that they are not there but I need them.
    So it could be "You have no render elements selected, is that correct?" or "You have render elements selected, but they are disabled".
    5. Something much less common, but having an override material checked would also mess up renderings, although thats something I usually catch while checking the first rendered frames.

    I think those are the big ones and maybe worth a popup thats hardcoded instead of a pre render check script.
    Since some of these liek region render would get annoying while doing lots of test rendering, they could maybe just be activated on submission of the scene to backburner, or disabled during iterative rendering.

    Or you could choose it as an option in the Settings tab to be checked or unchecked, for those who don´t want/need it.

  • #2
    Oh yeah, what a great idea, +1 on that!


    • #3
      Originally posted by ben_hamburg View Post
      Oh yeah, what a great idea, +1 on that!
      Ha ha ha ha

      * sets up second forum account *


      • #4
        Yeah I could probably update my script to include all that

        Just need some time and motiviation to do it.

        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          could you write a list on a piece of paper?


          • #6
            Yeah I could probably update my script to include all that
            Right, I actualy forgot about your script, was on the page before and thought exactly that ..."ah, if it just had these three other features, it would be perfect"...
            Well, if youd´need something modelled or textured in return, I´d be up for it...
            Like in the olden times, you know, tradin and stuff.
            Still think it should be a feature for Vray though, simple because there are already the built in Max warnings there and I just think these should be important and common enough to be considered.
            The frame buffer output being deleted is actually the worst one and it just happend to me yesterday, TWICE.
            Might actually be a bug, I just have no idea about how to recreate it.


            • #7
              could you write a list on a piece of paper?
              Haha, yeah, I could do that. I could also model everything I make with real clay and use an actual teapot to test my lighting...


              • #8
                While I generally agree with all those checks, I can see the other half of the people annoyed by them. Making a checkbox that enables/disables the checks could solve this, but then there will be requests to disable some of them - so more checkboxes in the UI aaand you see where I'm going ...

                About the deleted VFB output - seems like something we should investigate.
                If it was that easy, it would have already been done

                Peter Matanov


                • #9
                  Yeah, a separate script is probably a better idea overall. Although I can´t think of a scenario for some of the issues, that would be sends something to the farm with "don´t render final image " checked? Ok, maybe some IR prepass scenario to be rendered through the farm...
                  But submit to the farm with no Max output AND no Framebuffer output set?

                  I can´t reproduce the frame buffer bug, I´m guessing it has something to do with opening the scene in different workstations and the output pointing to a network drive, but those are just guesses.


                  • #10
                    I've done this in production both from scratch, and from the Deadline submitter skeleton script, and it's really not something that can be generalised.
                    Nigh any combination may be valid for a given task, and it's impossible to be able to cater for the right set of checks in a universal manner: intent isn't easily inferred.
                    There's need for a Lighting Lead and a TD setting up the rules (which takes "intent" out of the equation!), and then the one studio crew, on the one show, may be able to benefit from it.
                    Next show, new intent, new set of checks, in my experience.
                    You could do worse than looking into the Deadline submitter (free for single user), and learn how to make a checker, given the manual explains it clearly.
                    Then that would work as you wanted it to, with only the checks you personally need.
                    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                    • #11
                      I agree, this is very situational, something that should be controlled in house. I'd update Morne's script if you don't have anyone to write from scratch, or maybe toss him some bones and see if he'll do it for you.
             - - -


                      • #12
                        I'll update my script, just need to find the time...
                        Kind Regards,


                        • #13
                          Yeah, I agree about most of the terms and I probably have a limited view about other studios needs. But to some of the situations mentioned above I can´t see a scenario where it would be wanted, so I´just suggesting a warning message for those particular scenarios.
                          If you can name me a situation, where having NEITHER 3ds max common output NOR Vraframebuffer output defined/enabled, when submitting to th farm...then I´ll shut up about it...
                          I´ve tried to get the deadline submitter sanity check, just got stuck with even figuring out how to get it and then I had a bunch of stuff installed I had to fight around with... I think I also wasn´t clear if we could use it in our studio at all, there was something about the "free" use I didn´t quite understand I think.
                          Last edited by ben_hamburg; 22-03-2019, 06:01 AM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ben_hamburg View Post
                            If you can name me a situation, where having NEITHER 3ds max common output NOR Vraframebuffer output defined/enabled...then I´ll shut up about it...
                            Saving GI maps,Saving via split EXRs (still no vfb path included).
                            And to a farm, like deadline, i can send ANY type of task (conversion, script with own outputs, and so on), not just rendering, so there you have it.
                            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                            • #15
                              Hm, forum doesn´t let me answer with less than 10 characters, so I can´just say:


