If I have a Lamp Mesh, with a Vraylight on it, that its linked to the Lamp Mesh, When I scatter the lamp, I will like the light to be scattered together with the mesh.
Right now in Chaos Scatter, once you pick the Lamp Mesh, all the linked elements are included including the Vraylight. The problem is that the scatter will treat the lamp mesh and the vray light as individual components, so the Vraylight will not be anymore on the same position relative to the lamp it was originally.
Will be great that chaos scatter can treat or groups or linked objects/lights as 1 single object to be scattered.
Right now in Chaos Scatter, once you pick the Lamp Mesh, all the linked elements are included including the Vraylight. The problem is that the scatter will treat the lamp mesh and the vray light as individual components, so the Vraylight will not be anymore on the same position relative to the lamp it was originally.
Will be great that chaos scatter can treat or groups or linked objects/lights as 1 single object to be scattered.