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can we get proper randomwalk SSS integration into Vray

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  • can we get proper randomwalk SSS integration into Vray

    The current implementation has a lot of issues, making it useless for skin, only ok for stuff like marble, maybe candle etc.

    It has many problems, SSS diffusion is wrong, too much greenishing( or bluewishing depending on the color of the SSS ) in deeper area, very dark color at glaring angle etc. Compared to Arnold randomwalk v2 ( and even to v1 ) it's way inferior, I still have to use Alsurface for characters..

  • #2
    From my own experiments, the random walk implementation in V-Ray matches quite well the implementation in other renderers, e.g. Arnold, Redshift etc. and in some cases the V-Ray implementation is superior. If you have examples of the issues that you mention, it will be very helpful.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      ok let me make some renders comparaison and showing the problem. Also, it don't work with alpha map... so I cannot use it for eyeballs.


      • #4
        you cannot use alpha map in opacity it just don't work. that's one of the first problem with it.


        • #5
          and often, if you try to use a map in opacity the render will freeze, can't even cancel, have to kill max in the task manager. like here. Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	123
Size:	151.8 KB
ID:	1209697


          • #6
            the material was I guess '' corrupted'' ? was not working with alpha, remade the same now it work's... I will prepare a scene for this.

