ive noticed while playing with the qmc lighting that what appears to kill the speed more than anything is textures.
what would be good is either an extra button in the material overrride allowing you to put a different material in there which is used purely for the lighting calculations, (would also allow for flexible special effects...)
alternatively, like lightscape had aeons ago, an "average texture colour" button which would simply, err, average the texture colour as far as the lighting engine is concerned.
with irradiance maps this isnt an issue coz u can cacluate lighting beforehand, but with qmc this isnt an option, (unless we get morbid angels "load /save qmc solution" function
and anything to speed up qmc is a good idea imho!
what would be good is either an extra button in the material overrride allowing you to put a different material in there which is used purely for the lighting calculations, (would also allow for flexible special effects...)
alternatively, like lightscape had aeons ago, an "average texture colour" button which would simply, err, average the texture colour as far as the lighting engine is concerned.
with irradiance maps this isnt an issue coz u can cacluate lighting beforehand, but with qmc this isnt an option, (unless we get morbid angels "load /save qmc solution" function

and anything to speed up qmc is a good idea imho!