There you go...that´s the standard to get into comping and least it WAS when i got into it. Anyways....sure there are some tricks and specialities here and there. But in general i am with Chris need to learn the basics of comping. And comping is a field just as broad and complex as 3d itself. It wont be possible to write Tutorials beyond specific cases wich on the other hand would most likely have to be stripped down to some extend as we´re talking about internal and partially not meant for the public things. That´s not cause we hate you, but we have to feed mouths and there´s no way around that sadly i´n afraid.
But i DO like the idea of a comping related category and am sure willing to participate there
There you go...that´s the standard to get into comping and least it WAS when i got into it. Anyways....sure there are some tricks and specialities here and there. But in general i am with Chris need to learn the basics of comping. And comping is a field just as broad and complex as 3d itself. It wont be possible to write Tutorials beyond specific cases wich on the other hand would most likely have to be stripped down to some extend as we´re talking about internal and partially not meant for the public things. That´s not cause we hate you, but we have to feed mouths and there´s no way around that sadly i´n afraid.
But i DO like the idea of a comping related category and am sure willing to participate there
