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fog color less dramatic and with maps

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  • fog color less dramatic and with maps

    I'd like the fog color to be able to use maps. That way I can put a vray color map in there.

    Basically what I want is the look of tempered glass. The problem is if I use a saturation of 1, then it has too much color. You can reduce the color by reducing the multiplier, but I don't want to reduce the effect.

    Fog color seems nice for highly colored glass, but doesn't work well for me for glass that only has a slight tint.

    I think if we could put a map in there that wasn't restricted to 256 values then it would give us Much more control. It would be fine with me to skip values completely and just give me decimal control of RGB separately. I doubt everyone would like that though, so lets shoot for a map slot there.

  • #2
    When you lower the fog multiplier to get slower saturation, you could also lower the value amount of your fog color, so you'll get the same intensity but less saturation. Just a thought. Actually, considering a solid color, the fog can be tweaked on a very smooth scale with that fog multiplier value.

    Best regards,
    credit for avatar goes here


    • #3
      I'm sorry, I must have been unclear. I actually don't want to reduce the multiplier to decrease saturation. In fact, I might even want to increase the multiplier to get more effect in the thicker areas. Sometimes I need to exaggerate the effect. This is why I was hoping to get either more control over the color, or have a different way of interpreting the color so it's not so immediately intense.

      I've just found it's incredibly difficult to get a subtle effect with fog color in the actual color while still having a strong effect for the thickness. In a current project I'm working on I had to end up using refract color, although that doesn't give me the effect I was looking for since the color is even throughout. I really only want the color in thick areas to be slightly more distinct.


      • #4
        Then it's the fog bias value you're looking for.

        Best regards,
        credit for avatar goes here


        • #5
          wow, how did I miss that in the help. I guess that part of the help file isn't really useful because in no way does it tell you what the values mean. all it says is, "by adjusting this parameter you can make thin parts of the object to appear more transparent than normal, or less transparent than normal."

          I guess some playing around will help me come up with the right value. Thanks. I guess this could probably get moved from here then to the regular help section if someone wants to give it a bump.

          I was paying more attention to the example section. I'm more of a visual person. There's no bias there though.

