Vlado, how difficult would it be to implement something like Modo 302's displacement ratio, something that uses the camera frustum to displace to less detail whatever is outside of view?
They have a very nice example of an ocean surface, where instead of having the water plane displaced uniformly, whatever isn't directly visible gets a ratio to determine how less to displace it, ie. with a ratio of 10, and a displacement length of 1px, in view the standard stuff would happen, while outside instead of 1px edge length we'd have 10px edge length.
I can see it MAY create issues with GI and rotating viewpoints, but then it may just be used as an option for the shots than needed it.
They have a very nice example of an ocean surface, where instead of having the water plane displaced uniformly, whatever isn't directly visible gets a ratio to determine how less to displace it, ie. with a ratio of 10, and a displacement length of 1px, in view the standard stuff would happen, while outside instead of 1px edge length we'd have 10px edge length.
I can see it MAY create issues with GI and rotating viewpoints, but then it may just be used as an option for the shots than needed it.