hi, some request:
(*). Affect specular/reflection option
(*). When i load the IES file, and after i want to change it, when i click on IES buttom the directory is on 3ds max file, not in the IES file directory.
(*). Non simmetrical IES has not correct viewport icon rappresentation.
(*). IES power is lumen (not indicated), but is usefull an option to convert this, like in 3ds max
(*). A multiplier like 3ds max photometric lights.
(*). When i select the blu line from source to targhet i want to select all light, not only the source. Same in the VRaySun.
(*). When I change the VRayIES name, the targhet should change, like 3ds max Standard Lights. In SP2 the targhet's name is indipendent from source.
ADD by jujubee
(*). IESviewer incorporated into the rollout.
(*). Affect specular/reflection option
(*). When i load the IES file, and after i want to change it, when i click on IES buttom the directory is on 3ds max file, not in the IES file directory.
(*). Non simmetrical IES has not correct viewport icon rappresentation.
(*). IES power is lumen (not indicated), but is usefull an option to convert this, like in 3ds max
(*). A multiplier like 3ds max photometric lights.
(*). When i select the blu line from source to targhet i want to select all light, not only the source. Same in the VRaySun.
(*). When I change the VRayIES name, the targhet should change, like 3ds max Standard Lights. In SP2 the targhet's name is indipendent from source.
ADD by jujubee
(*). IESviewer incorporated into the rollout.
