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More passes...

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  • More passes...

    One thing that would really be important to large pipeline is the ability to render more passes then the ones listed under the G-buffer output.

    Such as:

    Specular (if they can be seperated from reflections)
    RGB normals (to adjust lighting in comp)
    GI (with no color or textures)
    and much more....

    It is not as critical that they render ll on the same pass, but more critical that there is a solution for rendering them with minimal setup (one button solution would be great).

    Compositors are not happy unless they have 30 layers to work with.

  • #2
    It would be usefull ...

    ... to save all channels in separate sequences (like max does).
    Ex: a targa sequence for Z, another one for reflexions, another one for Gi, etc.


    • #3
      YEs Yes Yes more channels and a way maybe to save them as a PSD format like psdmanager does.

      maybe also a canel as a hdri ?



      • #4
        My vote for render elements.

        cpnichols you can already get a RGB Normal pass if you use psd-manager. (You can try it with the psd-manager demo versioon)

        Daniel Schmidt - Developer of psd-manager


        • #5
          Yes Please Vlado make the render element available with Vray + an option to have gi passes and caustic like fr stage 1...



          • #6

            i like the quality and speed with vray - but: I NEED PASSES for my compositing. diffuse.. reflection.. shadow.......... would be so groovy.


            • #7
              multiple alpha channels would be really nice
              Digital Progression


              • #8
                please,please please render passes

                diffuse, specular,reflection,shadow :P


                • #9
                  Any word on if this is something implimented in the upcomming build release? I just tried to render a composit scene for the first time with vray and almost crapped my jeans when I saw there were no render elements in the options.


                  • #10
                    Totally agree with all of the above. I ABSOLUTELY have to have the ability to render elements. I hate having to find work arounds.
                    Senior Generalist
                    Industrial Light & Magic

                    Environment Creation Tutorial
                    Environment Lighting Tutorial


                    • #11
                      ...and almost crapped my jeans when I saw there were no render elements in the options.

                      Hahahahaha!!! I just might joyfully pee a little in my pants if we actually get them...

                      Eyecadcher Media


                      • #12
                        same here... Its no fun taking great amounts of time creating workarounds, course we use 3dsmax so were use it it

                        seraph135: Just want to say that Im a huge fan of Blur studios, and what the heck are you using vray for? hehe

                        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                        • #13
                          I'm on for this vote too

                          percydaman: Could you explain some of these workarounds in my post under the Render theory section.



                          • #14
                            VRAY NEEDS RENDER PASES

                            vray is great for speed with the easy stuff but it sooo needs to be able to render out reflection and shadow passes the workarounds take so long that its worth using other renderers like mental ray or brazil now I think when your dealing with compositors... why is there issues with every renderer everyone wants the same thing but each render only has answers to some of these problems!!!... anyway vray is still my fav but its still very anoying...

