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Stereoscopic vray physical camera

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  • #61
    I like it. thank you very muc. it's very nice plugin.

    Here is some tests. I have to more study for the setting.

    Last edited by sandykoufax; 12-04-2010, 06:53 AM.
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    • #62
      I don't know what it means the focused checkbox.
      What's that?
      And I found that render progress dialog stop when after cancel the render or prepass. So I have to terminate max and restart it. Is this a bug?
      :: twitter :: Portfolio :: My 3D Products :: ...and ::


      • #63
        it hangs most of the time, i would call it a bug, but it also can happen without stereoscopic plugin, but it happens very much with it...

        focus checkbox makes the camera toe in, so both are looking at the target
        if not on, they are just parallel

        i still havent found out what is "better" toe in or not, sometimes it is nicer for the focused part, but doesnt work so well for the background
        toe in changes the perspective more, than just having parallel cameras side by side, but most often it works quite well


        • #64
          Thank you phizikl.
          I have to more tests.
          Above images are rendered without 'focused' check.
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          • #65
            jes, and they work very well, excellent stereo renders!
            most people do too much seperation, less is always better, and you have very minimal seperation but it still works!

            would love to see a close up of the trex and his ribcage

            using DOF with stereo is also interesting, because what is too far seperated because object is too close for example, our eyes will actually blur themselves, so using depth of field has been a technique to create depth without stereo, but we should try it with stereo as well, it blends the parts of the image better that are too far apart which you couldnt see sharply anyways, and it directs our eyes to a point of attention


            • #66
              More tests

              eye distance 2cm

              eye distance 6.6cm

              Environment Fog enabled version

              Last edited by sandykoufax; 12-04-2010, 11:44 PM.
              :: twitter :: Portfolio :: My 3D Products :: ...and ::


              • #67
                the 2cm distance is nice! What did you use to assemble it?
                Bobby Parker
                phone: 2188206812

                My current hardware setup:
                • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                • ​Windows 11 Pro


                • #68
                  I dunno what was used in this case. I would just slap it together in nuke:

                  -Create Views for left and right
                  -Crop both left and right
                  -Add a OneView op and assign the left crop to the left view and the right to the right
                  -Add a JoinViews
                  -Make it a gizmo for easy re-use :P

                  To view in 3D just add an Anaglyph node.



                  • #69
                    I just captured it from stereoscopic player.
                    and I found the way by using toxik on here
                    :: twitter :: Portfolio :: My 3D Products :: ...and ::


                    • #70
                      That seems like a lot of work. Here is a script that does it in MAX

                      a = openbitmap (getOpenFileName caption:"Left Eye Image")
                      b = openbitmap (getOpenFileName caption:"Right Eye Image")

                      c = bitmap a.width a.height

                      -- create the final image combination here --
                      for j= 0 to a.height-1 do
                      for i = 0 to a.width-1 do

                      ColorLeft = getPixels a [i,j] 1
                      ColorRight = getPixels b [i,j] 1

                      ColorFinal = #([ColorLeft[1].red , ColorRight[1].green , ColorRight[1].blue])

                      setPixels c [i,j] ColorFinal


                      display c
                      Bobby Parker
                      phone: 2188206812

                      My current hardware setup:
                      • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                      • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                      • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                      • ​Windows 11 Pro


                      • #71
                        could also work on the fly:

                        a = render()
                        -- then do transform the camera
                        eyedistance = 0.6cm
                        cam = getActiveCamera()
                        move cam [eyedistance,0,0]
                        b = render()

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