We now use Vray Adv after another renderer which had two features that was just neat :
First, an architecture camera, which is a camera that keeps verticals vertical. Don't talk about the max modifier for that, which may be good for still image but even there, it's a lot worse, and specially, it doesn't work with animation. So, in the renderer/ Vray cam, please a 'vertical cam' or whatever you name it, with a 'balance' animatable option to overcorrect or undercorrect it, and that's all. I must say that I was extremely surprised to not see this in Vray as it is used a lot in arch viz and nearlt every architects with work with ask us to have vertical ... verticals !
Second, this one saved us a lot of work, renderingtime and so on : instanced ram ! With the previous renderer we used, every instanced object you created in a scene took only one in ram. Make a one million poly, duplicate it a million time as instance, no problem to render ... Yes we use vraymeshes a lot, which are amazing on their own, but this is different use/workflow.
We now use Vray Adv after another renderer which had two features that was just neat :
First, an architecture camera, which is a camera that keeps verticals vertical. Don't talk about the max modifier for that, which may be good for still image but even there, it's a lot worse, and specially, it doesn't work with animation. So, in the renderer/ Vray cam, please a 'vertical cam' or whatever you name it, with a 'balance' animatable option to overcorrect or undercorrect it, and that's all. I must say that I was extremely surprised to not see this in Vray as it is used a lot in arch viz and nearlt every architects with work with ask us to have vertical ... verticals !
Second, this one saved us a lot of work, renderingtime and so on : instanced ram ! With the previous renderer we used, every instanced object you created in a scene took only one in ram. Make a one million poly, duplicate it a million time as instance, no problem to render ... Yes we use vraymeshes a lot, which are amazing on their own, but this is different use/workflow.