I think VrayToon is a Great tool but it always mess with all the render elements (white lines in Zdepth, baked in RGB and every other elements)
It would be very very nice to have it renderable in a separate pass, without baking it (like a Dirt pass within a VrayExtraTex_map which is a GREAT addition !!!)
Not sure it fits the actual "environement" pipeline but it's whishlist so it's my wish
Also, optimize vraytoon with Adaptative subdivision (making the AA notice the lines as VrayToon creates them) to avoid empty undersampled zone in the middle of line. cuz now, only high subdiv at 0 solves the problem and it's so slow
It would be very very nice to have it renderable in a separate pass, without baking it (like a Dirt pass within a VrayExtraTex_map which is a GREAT addition !!!)
Not sure it fits the actual "environement" pipeline but it's whishlist so it's my wish

Also, optimize vraytoon with Adaptative subdivision (making the AA notice the lines as VrayToon creates them) to avoid empty undersampled zone in the middle of line. cuz now, only high subdiv at 0 solves the problem and it's so slow
