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Bucket Size Optimizer??

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  • Bucket Size Optimizer??

    In the past I've done some experimenting with how bucket size relates to render times. And just today, I was rendering out some very small images (175x175 pixels) and changing the bucket size and got some interesting results, but still similar to what I remember seeing in the past. Today, for instance, a bucket size of 8 resulted in a render time of 14 seconds. I then set the bucket size to 32- the render time went to 16 seconds. Lastly I set the size to 16 and the image rendered in only 11 seconds!! That's pretty significant! So it's obvious that a larger bucket size or a smaller bucket size doesn't have a directly proportional affect on the render time, BUT there is a "sweet spot" somewhere in between that will result in quicker render times.

    So I'm curious if Vray has a way to "study" the scene (and perhaps needs to render the scene at least once?) and determine what might be the most optimal bucket size for the fastest rendering. And possibly on top of this, maybe Vray can have DYNAMIC bucket sizing where the buckets are different sizes.

    How's THAT for thinking outside the box?? hahaaa... couldn't resist.
    John Pruden
    3D Model Marketplace

  • #2
    I've studied bucked size for a while now. It all comes down to ur cores&whats in the scene. If u have complex reflective geometry than smaller bucket size is better, but cant be too small or it will render longer. Its because each bucked take extra 2pixel(if im not wrong) to seamlessly blend them between each other.

    Basically u have to change size for scenes and resolution... from my experience optimal size are

    10 000x 6660 = 100 bucket size
    for 3000x 2000 = 40 bucket size
    for 1000x 666 = 20 bucket size

    It all can change tho depending on what ur scene have&cores... most of the time i try to scale buckets to the size of model(products/car sutiods) and dont keep it too small or it will render longer...
    CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look


    • #3
      i second this request pls


      • #4
        Dadal... have you tested different bucket sizes on the same scene and same resolution though? Bucket size shouldn't be proportional to your render res necessarily. I am aware that the border pixels all get rendered twice, but that seems to be somewhat negligible (at least sometimes). You are absolutely correct though, it is dependent on what's in your scene, like fuzzy effects primarily.

        If the correctly chosen bucket size could possibly save up to 25% time versus, say just choosing default 64, or 32.... that's huge time savings when rendering out animations.
        John Pruden
        3D Model Marketplace


        • #5

          Yup, I've tested it on 1 scene. And yes it can save huge time but the only other way that I know off is simply to test the scene b4 sending to animation...

          Unfortunately I'm doing stills so its useless for me heh I'm sticking to 20/40/100

          ah, it also matter what Ratio is ur u might consider solid rocks, it got a bucket optimizer to ratio.
          CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

 - come and look


          • #6
            I have requested such a feature 2 years ago with a more smarter solution
            if we have X buckets to do we render first 50% the normal way
            the next 30% are half the bucket size and again half for the last 10 % each
            user input 32pixel size and vray automaticly lower the sizer with the patter abouve 16, 8, 4 pixel

            Vlado ?
            - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
            RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
            just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


            • #7
              found it

              and even older
              Last edited by QuakeMarine1; 25-01-2011, 04:10 PM.
              - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
              RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
              just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->

