I brought this topic up years ago... I for one, warned you guys of this impending issue, as it goes, countless hours are being wasted and internal administrations and oversight are taking notice. The link between Revit and Max are clear whether via FBX or otherwise. Vray ROI is diminishing rapidly as this production set-back is creation descension and defection to other renderers. I was not making this up 2 1/2 years ago and can unequivocably state that, you are lossing market share rapidly if this material conversion issue is not addressed immediately - don't believe me, read the lines.... -faithful to Vray...Make this happen!!!!!
I brought this topic up years ago... I for one, warned you guys of this impending issue, as it goes, countless hours are being wasted and internal administrations and oversight are taking notice. The link between Revit and Max are clear whether via FBX or otherwise. Vray ROI is diminishing rapidly as this production set-back is creation descension and defection to other renderers. I was not making this up 2 1/2 years ago and can unequivocably state that, you are lossing market share rapidly if this material conversion issue is not addressed immediately - don't believe me, read the lines.... -faithful to Vray...Make this happen!!!!!