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Vray Distance Texture: Mutual influence (A->B and B->A)

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  • Vray Distance Texture: Mutual influence (A->B and B->A)

    I'm a big fan of the distance texture. Use it all the time.

    Right now, though, it is possible to have Object A influence the material on Object B but not vice-versa (get circular reference warning).
    Now I understand why one object would not be able to influence its own material, but I don't see what logical problem there is in having two objects with different Dist maps and different materials influence each other. Am I Am I missing something? I'm working around this by adding a hidden copy of Object B to influence Object A but it seems unnecessarily impractical.

    Check my blog

  • #2
    There might be a way around this, will look into it. Right now we use "hard" references to the objects in the list, which can't be circular, but in recent versions of 3ds Max there are "soft" references than can be used in this way... but then again, maybe not - will have to check this out.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

