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  • Speedfog?

    Sorry for putting up such a seemingly dumb title, I apologize in advance.

    But in fact, Vray has so many smart optimization methods for various fields, I hardly can believe that the environment fog is the optimal answer to atmospherics you guys can do.

    Render times just instantly multiply when applying fog and still you have to push the samples skyhigh to get the noise to a reasonable level. Whenever we consider applying Vray-fog, in the end we always go back to the comp-zbuffer solution to get things done, because everything else just takes ages. Same goes for volumelights ...

    It seems that there is only the "bruteforce-solution" available at the moment in this field.

    Aren't there any methods to implement some adaptive optimization (or whatever ), to get results faster?

    Best regards, Peter

  • #2
    There is not a lot to be done in that regard, unfortunately. There was one slowdown when computing the GI in the fog through the irradiance map, which is now fixed. But beyond that, volumetrics are slow stuff.

    By the way, do you need the fog for haze only?

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Atmospherics Speedup ...

      Hi Vlado,

      Thank you for your feedback. Too bad, it would be great if there would be a way to speed things up.

      Talking about use, there are a lot of uses we would love to implement your fog: Haze, Fog, Godrays, Volume Lights, Long-Range-Atmospherics, Clouds, we even tried to do some Sandstorm with it . It is just great to have the atmospherics react to light, GI and reflections, etc. directly.

      Why are you asking about haze? Any special hints for haze?

      The problem in all cases was, that it just took too long to test and the results were mostly too noisy compared to render times, so we always took a different approach. Still it would be great to get as much out of the render as possible.

      You are the "core"-expert, but talking about optimization: For most appliances it is sufficient to have the atmospherics at half resolution or even less and overlay it over the final render. But then this is a comp solution, it would be great to have it "internally". Isn't there some kind of preprocessed cloud solution thinkable like in an irradiance map? That would certainly be sufficient in sharpness for most uses ...

      Just thinking aloud,

      Best regards from Berlin,

      Last edited by Dmerc; 28-09-2011, 03:21 AM.


      • #4
        yes, why the haze vlado? i usually need only haze, very curious now


        • #5
          @kimgar: Well haze is a special case that can be done as a separate light-weight atmospheric effect; it is something that we wanted to do since some time.

          @Dmerc: It would be very helpful if you can get us some example scenes that we can play with.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            ooooh, pretty please with sugar and all. a vray lightweight haze would be an amazing addition to the works. would love to finally ditch the sketchy Z comp fog


            • #7

              Im up for some atmospheric speeds ups too !

              But from other side if u use subdivision sampler at 1/-1 it will render 10-20x quicker than dmc sampelr for fogs ! - at least it works for me like that with volume lights...
              CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

     - come and look


              • #8
                +1 on the lightweight haze
                Best Regards,


                • #9
                  Hi, Vlado!

                  I do not have any sample scenes ready at the moment, but maybe we can put something together soon. We will, if it really is of help for you!

                  For starters some appliances that would just be so much fun to get into:






                  Especially longrange shots just would greatly benefit or situations where the light really catches in the atmospheric particles.

                  Best regards from Berlin,



