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Camera converter

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  • Camera converter

    This must be a wish by now...but anyway, with all of the other amazing capabilities I wish V-Ray had a built in script exactly like LeLe's camera converter.
    LeLe's will still work in 2013, but I must run it as a script each time...

    It would be really useful if V-Ray had something similar.
    Or, even something like native 3dsMax's "cntrl+c" shortcut...

    Thanks for reading.

  • #2
    You can set it up as a macroscript and assign a shortcut to that script - I don't use it myself as I don't touch the physical camera all that much, but it's definitely possible to set as a key.


    • #3
      Originally posted by joconnell View Post
      You can set it up as a macroscript and assign a shortcut to that script - I don't use it myself as I don't touch the physical camera all that much, but it's definitely possible to set as a key.
      Yeah, that work great for me up until upgrading to max2013, but now I can only get it to run using maxscript>run script> method.


      • #4
        Ugh - might be that max has changed some of the macroscript lines - you might be able to open it up, take all the code inside the macroscript () lines out and then drag it to a button instead.


        • #5
          Max can do this...

          look through your standard camera, press p to go into perspective from the same view, create a physical camera, press ctrl+c to align it to the perspective view then type in the same focal length.
          This produces the same result. Going the other way is easier, just press p then ctrl+c with nothing selected.


          • #6
            Originally posted by joconnell View Post
            Ugh - might be that max has changed some of the macroscript lines - you might be able to open it up, take all the code inside the macroscript () lines out and then drag it to a button instead.
            Think I tried but will try again to be sure, thank you!


            • #7
              Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
              Max can do this...

              look through your standard camera, press p to go into perspective from the same view, create a physical camera, press ctrl+c to align it to the perspective view then type in the same focal length.
              This produces the same result. Going the other way is easier, just press p then ctrl+c with nothing selected.
              Yep, somehow, I can never remember this one, perhaps I became to reliant on a script!? Thanks a bunch cubicle

