Now that sounds interesting! Could you please provide some pictures of the current status?
No announcement yet.
It's been a while but here's the current status. The modifier isn't complete yet, and the only known issue with the map is that if you have VRayHDRI in it, it will crash. See attached for 2013 64bit build. Note that it's not final so use it at your own risk!Attached Files
Thanks for putting this out there, hopefully others will try it and find all the bugs so we can see this rock solid. And hope Vlado finds some time to figure out what's causing the Vray HDRI crash. Until that gets fixed, don't want to add it to any production scenes.
joconnell, its actually very straight forward. Assign a material to an object or set of objects. Apply the map to the diffuse channel. Add a bitmap to the map. Then play with scale until it looks the size you want. It has way more powerful features than that, but that's the workflow I'd be using 99% of the time.
- Neil
Originally posted by joconnell View PostAny chance of a simple demo scene / run through of setting up the modifier and texture combinations? Is it scanline compatible too?
Much appreciated George!
If I make a scene file with a 40 cm teapot, make a vray material with the multiplanar in there at default settings. I drop in a bitmap into the map slot and change it's mapping channel to 10 to reflect the multiplanar settings and hit render I get this:
I'm getting much better results using the object space settings and I've got to bring up the normal thresholds quite a bit - it might be a case of unit interpretation in the plugin? I'm using cm for both my scene and display unit so the default thresholds are coming out as 0.1 and 0.3 - I presume this is kind of angle of face type of stuff so the defaults would be blending between 10 and 30 degrees? The first two modes don't seem to do much aside from giving me the small dots on each side - I take it that they're intended for use with the multiplanar mapping modifier that you've added?
Hi guys what is the status on this developement?
Seem very useful!Martin