When using 360 degrees HDRI map for environmental reflection on a cg object I matched with live, I always need to adjust the rotation of my reflections precisely to match with live footage. I try to use VRay HDRI in the "Reflection/refraction environent" slot in the "Environement" tab of the render setup, I also use spherical mapping type and now we have only "Horiz. rotation " and "Vert. rotation" which just does not allow to rotate the spherical map in every possible position. Most of the time I end up discarding the environnement and just create a polygonal sphere with my map on it, which clutter the scene a bit (I have to adjust position and scale of this sphere).
Wouldn't be any way to use a gizmo for rotating that environement map?
Wouldn't be any way to use a gizmo for rotating that environement map?