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vrayiso-like volumetric material.

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  • vrayiso-like volumetric material.

    or it could be a modifier.

    vraymetaballs doesnt cut it at all.. a) you need to fanny around with particles and b) its very hard to get something that doesnt look blobby.

    vrayiso was easily capable of doing insanely detailed sponges, rocks, bread etc etc. and various other materials that are almost impossible to do in vray these days.

    i want a proper volumetric material i can assign to a mesh, that i can both control directly with noise and other 3d procedurals, and ideally, have presets for various materials.

    or, as mentioned, it could be a modifier, but since youd likely need a special material or map to go with it, a "volume" material would be more sensible.

  • #2
    hm.. in restrospect, maybe a modifier would be better, otherwise youd have problems assigning the various nice vray shaders to your isosurface.


    • #3
      ok so, i take back the "only blobby stuff" comment.. i wasnt using the procedural mapping properly.

      however it would be very useful indeed if vraymetaball had a simple "fill volume" setting, that allowed you to avoid the use of particles entirely. its a whole layer of complexity that is unnecessary when using it for volumetric materials.


      • #4
        I second that. Doing lots of medical animations I tend to work procedurally a lot, so that would be an awsome addition!


        • #5
          +1., would love to se that, too
          Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
          3ds Max 2016 SP4
          V-Ray Adv 3.60.04

          Intel Core i7-4930K @ 3.40 GHz
          NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (4096MB RAM)
          64GB RAM


