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Oav ?

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  • Oav ?


    Do you plan on doing a render element that could render occluded geometry. Like OAV in Guerrilla render...
    The idea is that you could render a Background, Middle and Foreground in one pass and do better compositing by not having each one cut by the alpha of what is in front...
    Back in the days, the scanline had the render occluded geometry, and with RPF in combustion you could extract an object.

    In Guerilla, the OAVs are allowing that process, instead of rendering three times you only render once. That is really great.

  • #2
    +1 we could need that also in our projects...


    • #3
      Nope, no plans for that for now. The major reason being, that V-Ray has no way to do adaptive sampling in this case - would it adapt to the front visible object, or the invisible one, or to both?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Huh, that is quite a fierce reply...
        Based on my experience with guerilla I would say both. You already have flags "consider for antialiasing" in your render elements. The benefits of using aov are quite huge. Less setup with your render passes, and also render times cut. The scene is prepared once for all, the filtering and sampling is shared by the elements. Being very close to guerilla render developers I can say that it is really useful for feature movie rendering. How can you not plan at all to integrate it?
        I am a bit speachless, I have been used to be positively surprised by the way Vray is dealing with innovative concepts...


        • #5
          I'm sure Guerilla is an excellent renderer and I'm sure this would be a useful feature to have. It may be something for us to look into, I just said that we don't have plans *for now*

          With that said, I'm not sure how that is an innovative feature? The scanline renderer, as you pointed out, has had it for 10 years now.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6

            It was a PMS moment from me... Although I am not a girl...
            I understand that you have a different roadmap to follow. But as you mentioned it is a pretty old feature that I now miss with Vray, but so many "innovative" features are there to compensate...

            I found a workable alternative with Prism script, I really recommend it...


