It would be nice to have choice in V-Ray mesh exporter on how it handles naming of Proxies. I would like 3 choices:
First one would work in the same manner as it does now, so making proxy out of Tree01 would result in VRayProxy_Tree01. This does not make much sense however, as original object name is a lot more important information then that the object is V-Ray Proxy, therefore it should come first. Especially in consideration with scene explorer or merge dialog, that uses typing search.
Second one would do it the better way, converting Tree01 to Tree01_VRayProxy.
Third one would preserve object's name, therefore Tree01 would remain Tree01.
It may not seem a big thing, but it would save some time spent on manual cleanup of scene naming, if some conventions are used.
It would be nice to have choice in V-Ray mesh exporter on how it handles naming of Proxies. I would like 3 choices:
First one would work in the same manner as it does now, so making proxy out of Tree01 would result in VRayProxy_Tree01. This does not make much sense however, as original object name is a lot more important information then that the object is V-Ray Proxy, therefore it should come first. Especially in consideration with scene explorer or merge dialog, that uses typing search.
Second one would do it the better way, converting Tree01 to Tree01_VRayProxy.
Third one would preserve object's name, therefore Tree01 would remain Tree01.
It may not seem a big thing, but it would save some time spent on manual cleanup of scene naming, if some conventions are used.