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Randomizer Node

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  • Randomizer Node

    I have a dream, but maybe I didn't figured it out yet, but I'm thinking of a node, where I can put an arbitrary value in and say: you node, you have 20 outputs and each gets a different value based on the input.

    example: vraycolor in - output 20 different gamma corrections in a range from 1.8 to 2.1. now I have to use 20 color correction nodes to do that.

    and use this with eg VrayMultiSubTexture which could work on subobject level as well.

    Not in connection with color or bitmaps only, but eg UV offset per object... or subobject. Subobject would be great. Soulburn scripts have some great randomizers, but those are more or less for transforms only.

    I miss that feature from maya and those lovely calculation nodes.
    Last edited by o-v; 10-05-2016, 08:04 AM.

  • #2
    Example: vraycolor in - output 20 different gamma corrections in a range from 1.8 to 2.1. now I have to use 20 color correction nodes to do that.

    > you can use the multitexture map for that:

    Not in connection with color or bitmaps only, but eg UV offset per object... or subobject. Subobject would be great. Soulburn scripts have some great randomizers, but those are more or less for transforms only.

    > you can randomize uvw map gizmo position with transformrandomizer, AFTER you detached all. I've been wishing for a UV gizmo randomizer per subobject for a while now too.

    Detach > apply UVW > uniquify UVW > randomize UVW transform > Re-attach I know the steps are sometimes tedious, but it might be more for Autodesk to fix this rather than Vray

    What I wish would be a sort a map that texturebombs image files, for instance fingerprints; scale, rotate, move,... on geometry procedurally.
    Last edited by Vizioen; 10-05-2016, 08:14 AM.



    • #3
      Detach > apply UVW > uniquify UVW > randomize UVW transform > Re-attach I know the steps are sometimes tedious, but it might be more for Autodesk to fix this rather than Vray
      try that with 500 roof tiles


      Thx a lot. I knew there was something...


      • #4
        Originally posted by o-v View Post
        try that with 500 roof tiles


        Thx a lot. I knew there was something...
        Depends on how you've created those tiles?



        • #5
          the randomization is set by the object ID. so each tile has to be a separate object. the random ID is than set by the SetID soulburn script.

          But every tile has to be a separate object though. Thats the point. It can't even be an instance.


          • #6
            why not just use this guys?


            i use it all the time.

            or.. if you want randomisation per face.. one of my favourite and most used plugins, polygonmap

            can apply a map per face of a fixed size, randomly offset and rotate, and also intelligently align mapping from face to face for really easy mapping of fairly complex objects. i use it almost every project. (example: model a wall made of tiles.. dont sweat the mapping. apply polygonmap with randomisation after.. done. )


            if you need it.. somebody has a max plugin for it


            • #7
              Originally posted by super gnu View Post
              why not just use this guys?


              i use it all the time.

              or.. if you want randomisation per face.. one of my favourite and most used plugins, polygonmap

              can apply a map per face of a fixed size, randomly offset and rotate, and also intelligently align mapping from face to face for really easy mapping of fairly complex objects. i use it almost every project. (example: model a wall made of tiles.. dont sweat the mapping. apply polygonmap with randomisation after.. done. )


              if you need it.. somebody has a max plugin for it
              Looks great should buy me even more time in the future. Thank you.



              • #8
                MCG has a random controller too - I think dave wortley did something like what you're describing?


                • #9

                  the Ky Color variator does all that.
                  - color/texture variations
                  - uvw variations


                  Kind regards


                  • #10
                    My greatest wish would be that Chaos helps the Author to make it RT/Standalone compatible, or that Chaos just buy the code and integrate that great randomizer to vray.


                    • #11
                      that does indeed look nice! i like the uv offset per element within a map.
                      Last edited by super gnu; 10-05-2016, 11:23 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by algato View Post
                        My greatest wish would be that Chaos helps the Author to make it RT/Standalone compatible, or that Chaos just buy the code and integrate that great randomizer to vray.
                        Now you got it! Thats what I'm dreaming about. The chance of plugins is great, but makes the system really very fragmented and therefore expensive.

                        The first question is: will it work? yes. will it work on the whole system (master, slaves, particular max version etc. etc.)? more likely, but not 100% certain. Debugging is a very very expensive task. The shorter the chain, the less problems to come.


                        • #13
                          Texture bombing is something I miss for a long time now...
                          Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1
                          3ds Max 2016 SP4
                          V-Ray Adv 3.60.04

                          Intel Core i7-4930K @ 3.40 GHz
                          NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (4096MB RAM)
                          64GB RAM



                          • #14
                            Hello Vlado,
                            I would like to refresh my wish for a Vray's own color and uvw randomiser, similar to ky color variator.



                            • #15
                              VRayTriplanarTex for uv randomising. works on cuda RT.
                              and quick color variations within vray textures - VRayComp map with fresh MultiSubTex - 20 variations in 5 seconds.
                              Marcin Piotrowski

