Hi hope your all going well today.
I just have some really small 'fixes' in relation to RT or PBR style rendering for material look dev.
When I am doing look dev on a material, I use RT with CPU and some very small but annoying things are;
Issue 01
The render will refresh if I double click on a node
Fix 01
it should only update on parameter changes change
Issue 02
A lot of time is spent looking at a render pass like reflection filter, I often stare at the screen to bake the image into my eye balls then make a parameter change to see the update pop but there is always a second where the frame buffer goes black and I cant quite see what changed. In a similar way, if I stare at the beauty pass, the initial render passes (1-4) are so noisy that there is no use to see them. They interrupt my technique of baking the image into by eyeball then seeing the change instantly pop.
Fix 02
Maybe there could be a buffer option to delay updating the buffer until a certain pass has been achieved so the image pops more when making parameter changes. So the imaged baked into the eye isnt broken by those first 1-3 passes that are 'unreadable'.
I hope these make sense and that you think they are good ideas.
I just have some really small 'fixes' in relation to RT or PBR style rendering for material look dev.
When I am doing look dev on a material, I use RT with CPU and some very small but annoying things are;
Issue 01
The render will refresh if I double click on a node
Fix 01
it should only update on parameter changes change
Issue 02
A lot of time is spent looking at a render pass like reflection filter, I often stare at the screen to bake the image into my eye balls then make a parameter change to see the update pop but there is always a second where the frame buffer goes black and I cant quite see what changed. In a similar way, if I stare at the beauty pass, the initial render passes (1-4) are so noisy that there is no use to see them. They interrupt my technique of baking the image into by eyeball then seeing the change instantly pop.
Fix 02
Maybe there could be a buffer option to delay updating the buffer until a certain pass has been achieved so the image pops more when making parameter changes. So the imaged baked into the eye isnt broken by those first 1-3 passes that are 'unreadable'.
I hope these make sense and that you think they are good ideas.
