1. v-ray is an amazing product.
2. developing a v-ray exe (standalone) would be very great.
different export -plugins could make it possible to create images from several 3d-programmes such as c4d, maya,xsi, lightwave, blender , rhino3d,max, maybe even povray.
developing plug-ins for these plattforms needs programmers who know these products very well . i guess v-ray programmers are used to 3d studio max a lot but don't know the API-structures of different programmes , so plugin-dev will be interesting in a few months. for now this complete v-ray.exe needs a kind of a storyboard . what about doing a simple competition for the best LAYOUT FOR V_RAY_EXE that all board members can participate , the first price could be a free license , when the product gets out of beta-programming. maybe there are professionals like those of scanline who can compare new rendering technics and draw an outline for v-ray.exe
Storyboard should include BASIC structure
also handling of LIGHTS and MATERIALS (mental ray adds new attributes in maya-for instance)
what about contours ? i like contours a lot ! i also like the dynamic water surface - shaders . they are extremely realistic and fast . (i guess only few people can imagine the speed) .
and maybe some help of professional maya-API-coders could be perfect to develop the next generation in high-speed-GI .
IMPORTANT : think about the programm-architecture before coding . then start coding . i mean it is always important to set up the mainroutine when starting a new programm ! i like v-ray.exe (until now 1.8.2004) it will be great in a month and i would love to see how it develops . it is a very great project!!!
Question : why do some people complain about having to wait for maya-vray so long - instead of being polite they react like hyenas .They should be more polite and wait . that is what all do , if they can't help on the project (means if they can't code/ and i can't code very well by myself , but i know how much work it is , so please think about that before writing mails like : "i am waiting for two weeks , i send an email to chaos-crew , they do't answer . " they answered within 2 hours as i was politely asking two questions , don't bomb them with mails - it will grow ) . the project has just started . and leading companies are willing to wait , so it will be a stable and creative tool in production of film , architectural viZ , cartoon , sciFi , and scientific viZ .
i hope you understand what i mean....
3. mental ray vs. v-ray ?
i guess programmers from mental ray know about the good rendering results of v-ray . it is clear that mental - images - programmers earn more money than v-ray-programmers , but v-ray is faster and not so complicated . therefore newer in it#S engine. so pls come together . raytrace and raycast an all radiosity is a very physical/mathematical computation and i guess the programmers of v-ray did a very good job so far and they will do a good job in the future .
that's why i thank them for their engagement . have a nice day
) simon
PS: let's wait -.....
2. developing a v-ray exe (standalone) would be very great.
different export -plugins could make it possible to create images from several 3d-programmes such as c4d, maya,xsi, lightwave, blender , rhino3d,max, maybe even povray.
developing plug-ins for these plattforms needs programmers who know these products very well . i guess v-ray programmers are used to 3d studio max a lot but don't know the API-structures of different programmes , so plugin-dev will be interesting in a few months. for now this complete v-ray.exe needs a kind of a storyboard . what about doing a simple competition for the best LAYOUT FOR V_RAY_EXE that all board members can participate , the first price could be a free license , when the product gets out of beta-programming. maybe there are professionals like those of scanline who can compare new rendering technics and draw an outline for v-ray.exe
Storyboard should include BASIC structure
also handling of LIGHTS and MATERIALS (mental ray adds new attributes in maya-for instance)
what about contours ? i like contours a lot ! i also like the dynamic water surface - shaders . they are extremely realistic and fast . (i guess only few people can imagine the speed) .
and maybe some help of professional maya-API-coders could be perfect to develop the next generation in high-speed-GI .
IMPORTANT : think about the programm-architecture before coding . then start coding . i mean it is always important to set up the mainroutine when starting a new programm ! i like v-ray.exe (until now 1.8.2004) it will be great in a month and i would love to see how it develops . it is a very great project!!!
Question : why do some people complain about having to wait for maya-vray so long - instead of being polite they react like hyenas .They should be more polite and wait . that is what all do , if they can't help on the project (means if they can't code/ and i can't code very well by myself , but i know how much work it is , so please think about that before writing mails like : "i am waiting for two weeks , i send an email to chaos-crew , they do't answer . " they answered within 2 hours as i was politely asking two questions , don't bomb them with mails - it will grow ) . the project has just started . and leading companies are willing to wait , so it will be a stable and creative tool in production of film , architectural viZ , cartoon , sciFi , and scientific viZ .
i hope you understand what i mean....
3. mental ray vs. v-ray ?
i guess programmers from mental ray know about the good rendering results of v-ray . it is clear that mental - images - programmers earn more money than v-ray-programmers , but v-ray is faster and not so complicated . therefore newer in it#S engine. so pls come together . raytrace and raycast an all radiosity is a very physical/mathematical computation and i guess the programmers of v-ray did a very good job so far and they will do a good job in the future .
that's why i thank them for their engagement . have a nice day

PS: let's wait -.....
