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Is a macOSX version in any of your future plans?

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  • #16
    we use both macs and PC's here. Macs for video editing and post work, PC's for the rough outputted stuff

    so, see...we can all work harmoniously together ...

    as long as mac users dont try to steal the PC users 3D work :P keep vray non-mac please!

    i seriously think that if you are someone who prefers working on a mac, you arnt going to enjoy the more complex technicalities relating to software/hardware found when using a PC and doing serious 3D work because it doesnt "just work" like it does on a mac.

    so ner, PC users are supreme :P


    • #17
      please don't waste time (and money) on porting VRay to OSX because of this:

      -most people doing serious 3d stuff are working on PC anyway, and can and will not work on mac because of its so-called "user friendlyness"

      -from my experience (we have several MAC's in our office G4's and G5's) macOS is not capable of handling memory intensive programs efficiently and reliably (they will crash every other day on average even the G5...) this is not something you want when rendering animations......

      -contrary to popular belief in the mac community (and Apple's advertisements) the G5's aren't any faster then a serious windows based-workstation because most of the mac-users are comparing 2D renderspeed on MAC to 3d renderspeed on PC
      They only are twice as expensive......

      so please don't


      • #18
        -most people doing serious 3d stuff are working on PC anyway, and can and will not work on mac because of its so-called "user friendlyness"
        ok on that point, the mac interface is more natural for some people but a lot of "thecnical users" seem to prefer a strictly tool-oriented relation with their computer (don't know if i'm really clear!).

        -from my experience (we have several MAC's in our office G4's and G5's) macOS is not capable of handling memory intensive programs efficiently and reliably (they will crash every other day on average even the G5...) this is not something you want when rendering animations......
        Actually, my computer (2x2 G5, 1Go ram) has some bugs time to time too, but i dayly use lightwave, after fx, photoshop, golive, sometime all running together, and i works pretty well for me (i'm regularly supprised to see that i have a few weeks uptime with no problem). Sometime programs quit without knowing why, but it's not a problem for the system or other progs.

        -contrary to popular belief in the mac community (and Apple's advertisements) the G5's aren't any faster then a serious windows based-workstation because most of the mac-users are comparing 2D renderspeed on MAC to 3d renderspeed on PC
        They only are twice as expensive......
        Ok on that point, each OS has it's own weaknesses, therefore it's globaly useless to try to do speed benchs (and it's the same for the pricing).. and Apple try to sell their product like everybody..

        so please don't
        If the mac version only needs a few changes from the PC version, it could be usefull for both mac and PC users (a bit bigger community, a bit more money for further development) without bringing new problems..

        Of course if it is not interesting financially it will not be developed anyway.. and i completely understand it!

        Anyway, thanks for your interesting point of view!



        • #19
          Linux standalone would be great for distrubuted cluster rendering,
          that way you could use a very small kernel along with Vray running from flash ram and using SANS/iSCSI storage via Gigabit ethernet. Hell if you used Mosix you would just thave one giant SMP machine to render from. Be cheap to build a big render cluster and you wouldn't have the stupid overhead of widoze.
          You can do this with mental ray, so question is why wouldnt you do it for Vray?

