Hello. My first post here. I'm trying to make Blender vray exporter to work with Blender 2.62 on OSX but no luck. I installed the latest Vray 2.20 maya2012_snow_leopard from the chaosgroup.com website, but can't get the script to work with vray. Every-time I'm pressing F12 to render a still image I'm getting the following error message:
I read the git wiki page about vray and exporter installation but no luck. Please help.
P.S. have somebody managed to make the script working with latest Blender Bmesh builds from graphicall.org? Is this script working with Bmesh?
location:<unknown location>:-1 OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'vray' raise child_exception_type(errno_num, err_msg) .....
P.S. have somebody managed to make the script working with latest Blender Bmesh builds from graphicall.org? Is this script working with Bmesh?