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  • Displacement

    I'm sure its a simple answer but try as I may I cannot find it!
    I'm having issue with displacement. I have a 1.5m x 1.5m plane with a white material added with UVW mapping projection. I've added a geometry tag and enabled displacement with the type set as 2D displacement (I used this type as the resultant displacement quality is the best). My issue it the scale of the displacement texture is to large so I have changed the length values to 50% to give the correct scale for the size of plane. However when rendered the displacement is not correct in some of the tiles of the texture, it have stretched line through it.

    How can I correct the displacement in the repetition of the texture?

    I would think to change the projection to cubic however in doing so I need to change the displacement type to 'normal' and the quality of the displacement is poor and not of the detail of a '2D Displacement type'.

    Thanks in advance for any help.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Hello jon_leeke,

    Thanks for your report.

    Could you please confirm if you are rendering with V-Ray GPU? I managed to reproduce the issue when rendering with V-Ray GPU and I have now reported it to our developers (bug ID: VC4D-1716). I will keep you updated on the progress of this issue.

    A workaround would be to switch the displacement type to Normal or to render with V-Ray (CPU). Thanks.
    Aleksandar Kasabov


    • #3
      Hi Aleksandar, yes I am using V-Ray GPU. I have just switched to CPU in the scene and it renders fine. Thanks for solving the problem lets hope the bug can be resolved soon


      • #4
        If I switch to normal is their an obvious setting to play with as when Ive tested 'normal' has not given as crisp result in the displacement as '2D displacement' @aleksander.kasabov


        • #5
          Hello, Jon!

          Thank you for the report. May I suggest something else as a workflow? Please check the attachment file. Additionally, the GPU only partially supports 2D displacement.

          Attached Files
          Last edited by boyan; 09-02-2023, 08:28 AM.
          Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


          • #6
            Thanks Boyan, I gave this method a test and I get the principle. I still get the same issue with the displacement in the tiled areas when using GPU so unfortunately it doesn't solve. Can I confirm its a bug that it doesn't render correctly on GPU within the tiled areas of the texture?


            • #7
              Hey, Jon,

              Could you please check the attached file with the scene?

              Attached Files
              Boyan Nalchadjiiski | QA Engineer @ Chaos |


              • #8
                Hi Boyan, yes that works! thank you. I'm going through and cant see what's different from the scene I set up as per your previous instructions but this definitely works. Thank you. I'll do some further investigation to see what I missed

