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Apply material to polygon selection strange behavior

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  • Apply material to polygon selection strange behavior

    It seems to work fine, but I found strange behavior.
    When an object has polygons selected, but the model mode is selected, and not the polygon mode, after applying material to the object, the material is applied only to the polygons previously selected (in the selection memory).
    In the model mode, the material, despite selecting polygons, should be assigned to the entire object without taking into account the selection of polygons.
    Only in the polygon mode, and only by draging in vewport, applying material for selection should work. At least that's the case with native c4d materials.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2.jpg
Views:	383
Size:	199.5 KB
ID:	1095896Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	355
Size:	164.3 KB
ID:	1095897

  • #2
    Hi Makushimu ,
    this is a bug on our side, and I've reported it for fixing. As quick a workaround you can delete the Selection tag that is assigned to the material that you wanted to apply to the whole object and not to the actual selection.
    Thank you for the feedback.
    Last edited by shaio; 15-12-2020, 07:27 AM.
    Ivan Shaykov


    • #3
      The issue is fixed in the latest stable build. You can download it from our nightly server on the following link:
      Ivan Shaykov


      • #4
        Originally posted by shaio View Post
        The issue is fixed in the latest stable build. You can download it from our nightly server on the following link:
        I'm already testing.
        Thank you

