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Vray 5 ignores animated objects when rendering multiple frames

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  • #16
    Thanks for the hint - it seems only polygon objects are affected by this, but it is an issue nonetheless. I'll investigate it shortly.
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #17
      Hi floris_drupsteen, it turned out to be a minor detail we overlook when we fixed the animated visibility. This should be fixed with the latest stable builds - 30589.
      Deyan Hadzhiev


      • #18
        Originally posted by deyan.hadzhiev View Post
        Hi floris_drupsteen, it turned out to be a minor detail we overlook when we fixed the animated visibility. This should be fixed with the latest stable builds - 30589.
        Hello Deyan, happy to see that the carpaint 1 material now get's an placeholder when importing.
        This will make things much easier... Thanks for this!


        • #19
          That is great news. thank you very much!


          • #20
            Hi Deyan,
            the visibility can be animated now .. thank you.

            But animating a primitive (like cube or instance etc.) via the "enable" checkobox is still not working. If I deactivate the primitive over time it still stays activated.
            (btw: lights are working and can be animated this way)


            • #21
              Hi klex167, as I mentioned earlier - handling the animated "enable" is a separate issue and is more complex to solve properly, because disabling some generators may cause the object hierarchy to change. Exactly such hierarchy changes are the reason you see that cubes and spheres are left.
              I have logged it as an issue and we will investigate how to solve it, but it may take slightly more time to make it work correctly.

              (btw: lights are working and can be animated this way)
              Yes, lights are working, because they are simple objects and there are no hierarchy changes involved, so the support there for this was trivial.
              Deyan Hadzhiev


              • #22
                Sorry to have to continue this thread.
                But when working on my project I noticed it didn't work. After testing I found out that the issue is when the object is in a group inside a subdivision Surface.
                It does work with the primitive shapes but not with the polygon objects.
                I added the simple file here:

                Hope this can be fixed soon since I'm stuck again.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	visibility-2.jpg
Views:	200
Size:	138.8 KB
ID:	1102624


                • #23
                  Originally posted by floris_drupsteen View Post
                  Sorry to have to continue this thread.
                  But when working on my project I noticed it didn't work. After testing I found out that the issue is when the object is in a group inside a subdivision Surface.
                  It does work with the primitive shapes but not with the polygon objects.
                  I added the simple file here:

                  Hope this can be fixed soon since I'm stuck again.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	visibility-2.jpg
Views:	200
Size:	138.8 KB
ID:	1102624
                  There has been no response so far. So I thought I'd post this as a reminder


                  • #24
                    Hi floris_drupsteen, sorry for the lack of response, I decided to write once the fix is available in the stable builds. We fixed this internally, so the fix will be available soon.
                    Deyan Hadzhiev


                    • #25
                      I understand you don't feel like replying to everything. But it made me worry it my message was missed.
                      Very happy this is fixed in the next fix!
                      Thank you.


                      • #26
                        Hi floris_drupsteen, the fix for this issue is available in the latest stable nightly builds.
                        Deyan Hadzhiev

