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PROXY Material

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  • PROXY Material

    unfortunately the converting of Proxys-3.7 to Proxys-5 is not working. So I started to recreate all libraries again as recommended.
    Very fast rendering - good job by the way!

    But after duplicating (copy-and-paste) the new Proxy has no material assigned. Do I have to reassign all materials via Proxy Manager after copying a Proxy?
    This work would be insane if you have a large amount of proxys in your scene. The same issue with instances and klones.
    I.e. I can assign the materials to an instance but after deactivating and activating the instance the materials are gone.

    Am I missing something? Could you please help? This is very important.

  • #2
    plus here
    just today i've converted some trees and after test in V-Ray 5, i managed that everytime i put a proxy in a scene i've to add again the materials... that's really insane as Klex told..
    Also i found that if we clone a proxy object, everyhting is perfect except the materials... i can't add materials to a proxy clone...
    i've record a video to help to explain
    really hope a update on this feature..
    best regards


    • #3
      is this issue on the list for the next update???


      • #4

        Thank you for your feedback.

        We are working on some improvements for the proxy object for the next update. I'll see what I can do about these issues too.


        • #5
          Hi Ivan, in the last build the copying issue was solved. Using instances are working as well. Thank you!

          Unfortunately its still not possible to clone a proxy. Using the cloner object all materials are gone.
          Also copying a proxy from one scene to another is still not working.
          I hope that this is still on the list.


          • #6
            With the latest build from today the issue is still there:

            Using proxys with a clone and the material is gone. Imagine to create a wood with hundreds of trees is not working by hand (placing it manualy).
            Copying a proxy to another scene loses the material as well.

            I just want to know if you are working on this?


            • #7

              I'm already testing a possible fix for the issue with Cloners.

              Keeping the assigned materials when copying the object to another scene is logged in our bug tracking system as well, but right now I can't give you an estimate when it will be fixed.


              • #8
                The disappearing materials from instanced proxy objects should be fixed in the latest stable nightly builds.


                • #9
                  Great news! This is working now!


                  • #10
                    It's starting to be a bit sad. And it's getting a bit expensive to work as a beta tester for a programme that is supposed to be "production ready".

                    Because the proxy manager was not recorded in the video, here is a screenshot. The Error-Msg at the end wasn't recorded either.
                    But this is also an error msg in the console:
                    [0h 0m 44.1s] [WARNING] Duplicate string IDs (_2_309C239931C11502CACF8900DB2C0000) with different generators in uvwgen_ids parameter in material: Baum10_509EE00571B01581@mtl_uvwselect

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Proxy_manager.jpg
Views:	467
Size:	112.0 KB
ID:	1103289

                    The Proxy only uses the first Texture for rendering.
                    I'am using the latest Build from 20210219


                    • #11
                      The Proxy only uses the first Texture for rendering.
                      I'am using the latest Build from 20210219
                      Hey Doger I've stumbled upon the same issue yesterday when I was testing the fix with proxies being cloned. We're working on fixing this as soon as possible. What you can do as a workaround is to export your proxy as one mesh and Apply the materials to the shading three with the poly selection tags instead of the actual mesh tree. Let me know if you want me to record a quick video for you on how to do this.

                      Basically inside a proxy you have two options. To apply materials to the actual mesh or to apply materials to the list of Polygon selection tags that is exported with the proxy. The first one (that you found as well) isn't working as expected. But the second one works and this is why we included the fix in this build anyways.

                      Here are some steps on how work with the proxy by using the exported list of selection tags:
                      1. Select the desired geometry with all applied materials that you want to make a proxy object from
                      2. Go in the object editor select the top level of the geometry and right click then "Select Children"
                      3. Right click again and select "Connect Objects" - you will have a one new mesh object with materials and selection tags
                      4. Export a V-Ray proxy
                      5. On a new scene Load the proxy from the file and start applying the new materials to the Materials group inside the proxy manager.
                      This should work fine and is a workaround until we fix the other issue.
                      Ivan Shaykov


                      • #12
                        Got it thanks.


                        • #13
                          Ohkey the Materials work for now but proxys wont work with scattering when useing Render instances? And don't get me started with Surfacespread!


                          • #14
                            I found another funny bug in connection with proxies and SurfaceSpread. Basically, the textures are saved anew each time the file is saved. This leads to the file becoming larger after each save. In the meantime I have files here with several gigabytes of data that were initially only 60mb in size.


                            • #15
                              Hey Doger ,
                              Thank you for the video. I'll try right away here on my end and share this with the devs to check what is going on.
                              Ivan Shaykov

