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Invisble objects when using symmetry

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  • Invisble objects when using symmetry


    Vray 5 still has issues with instancing / symmetry?

    Is this Vray or c4d problem?

    When rendering symmetry, vray does not render the bolts visible in editor - even when I turn them editable from instances:
    (I can't find a workaround other than wasting time setting up unnecessary instances)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	symmetry_vray.png Views:	0 Size:	239.5 KB ID:	1107967
    Last edited by RwVision; 19-03-2021, 06:27 AM.

  • #2
    Hi RwVision, if the geometry is visible in the viewport, then it is likely a V-Ray issue. From my simplified tests, I found there is a problem when there are geometry objects with the same name and the scene is rendered either with V-Ray interactive or in the viewport (either with region or full).
    Can you test if either changing the geometry name of duplicating polygon objects or rendering in PV or V-Ray production solves the issue? Even if it does, I'll log an issue to investigate what causes this, but it may be a viable workaround until we fix this.
    Deyan Hadzhiev


    • #3
      Hi deyan.hadzhiev

      Thanks for the reply - yes, geometry is visible in viewport, but not in rendering:

      - Changing names of the instances did not work
      - When rendering to pv the bolts are visible


      • #4
        same here .. very easy scene with cubes. rendering in the viewport is not correct: objects are missing (randomly). rendering in the picture manager works.
        but its importent to check complex scenes in the viewport. in my case every object has a different name!

        Click image for larger version

Name:	test symmetry.jpg
Views:	255
Size:	60.3 KB
ID:	1116898
        I can share the scene if needed.


        • #5
          Hello klex167 and apologies for the delayed reply.

          It would be helpful if you can share the test scene with us. Also, please let me know which version of V-Ray do you have installed. Thank you.
          Aleksandar Kasabov


          • #6
            Hi Aleksandar,
            thank you for the reply!

            My version is hotfix 3 (v5.00.45 from Apr 27 2021).
            Scene in the attachent.

            best - klex
            Attached Files


            • #7
              Hello klex167 ,

              Thank you for the scene. It seems like this issue only happens when the instanced object is a null with children objects. For example, if you directly instance the cube the issue is no longer reproducible. I have logged this in our internal bug tracking system (bug ID: VC4D-976) and I will let you know once we have any updates.
              Aleksandar Kasabov


              • #8
                Understood. But the null is important to group more than just one object (like RwVision does). My example scene is just a very simple version of the original one where I had to cope with this issue. Thanks for working on this.
                Until the problem is solved I will avoid symmetry-objects and use instances with negative scale instead.

