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  • #16
    Makushimu chill.
    Chaosgroup has a lot to do right now and after seeing the V-Ray Updates its safe to say that they are working hard.

    For what I know, they have to code everything from scratch. They cant reuse the code of 3.7/Stefan Laub.

    I Understand your Frustration. But iam pretty sure they know those issues. Chaosgroup is a company. They want to make money. They work hard to give us a good product at the end. I hope so


    • #17
      Thats also my hope. They will " give us a good product at the end" sometime.
      I hope they will close the gap between 3.7 and 5 because there is still so mutch other stuff missing or decorated with terrible


      • #18
        There are always issues with v-ray and cinema4d, big or small, and this time it looks almost unfixable ...... we are not playing video games, these issues really affect our workflow and business (and income); is v-ray+max more solid and stable? maybe it's time for a change .....


        • #19
          I am with you. Maybe Redshift is an alternative? The only reason why I haven't switched is, I have a ton of ready to use staffage models and presets in vray, sadly. To make them work in redshift is not funny. If the scenconverter (and a few other things) would work propperly, Vray had a kind of advantage. Lets see how long it makes sense to wait. I still use 3.7. Its less shiny and new but it does its job. Maybe its slower in render, but it renders on its own without me waiting for viewport updates or dealing with workarounds.

